Friday, June 20, 2008

So much love

I am officially employed, again, at my least favorite establishment nonetheless. At least it pays. My first night back I was fortunate enough to be able to rid Subway of 2 cockroaches. You're welcome. I also left with the familiar aroma sticking to every part of my body. And to top it all off, I have the pleasure of working 20 hours this week.
I've started working on my summer list. Reading is well under way. I love how in school I can barely read 15 pages without falling asleep. But today, I managed 300 pages. I started skimming over some Java. That is going to be fun. And working is bringing me one step closer to buying a Wii.
The original reason for this post; Grades are up!
2 A's, 1 B and a C. Not too bad. A little further off then what I had anticipated, but a 3.2 is acceptable.
-Kevin, I want to know what you got in Crim!!

I'm starting to "train" for my 15 mile run tonight. I'll keep you updated on how that's going. I'm thinking I might shorten it to 10. We will see how I feel after a week or so.

What did everyone get on grades?????

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today marks my first official day of summer. I am free. No school, no obligations. 4 months of nothing.
Actually, if I'm being more accurate, I have so many things that I need to do and so many that I want to do. I have to pleasure of going to jury duty Monday (yeah) followed by the not so pleasant task of finding a job, or 3. But in between all of the working, traveling, hanging out and catching up, I have complied together a list of things that I want to do before September 25th.

Summer To Do List
Learn how to play the guitar
Type faster
Learn Java
Watch the entire 24 Series
Learn some more sign language
Play basketball better
Brush up on my Spanish
Organize my itunes
Run for 15 miles
Teach my friends how to play Kajabe Can Can (and own them)
Go to the beach at least 3 times
Have a crazy road trip
Finish my movie list
Download download download!!!
Buy a Wii (and get really good at Mario Kart and Brawl)
Read a heck of a lot
Enjoy every minute

Sounds doable!
Let me know what you want to do this summer.

Oh. And Upland, not that exciting. But my brother's band was pretty awesome. And the car ride was enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2:00 am

Finals. Need I say more.

Sorry about the lack of posting. 3 finals down. 1 to go. Thursday night will be spent celebrating the end to my first year of college. (and passing...most of it)
On a much sadder note, UCI lost miserably to LSU yesterday. 7-21. No college world series for us.

And, in case you didn't already know from my persistent announcements of it:


Sunday, June 1, 2008

I am so LOST

I would advise that if you have not seen Lost and someday do wish to watch it to pass over this post.

42 Reasons Why I Hate Lost

1. Because after every episode I always end with the phrase, "I have 37 new questions and no frickin answers"
2. Because Boone died in the first season
3. Because it's on Thursday nights when I have homework
4. Because I am sick and tired of the Kate/Jack/Sawyer love triangle
5. Because Mr. Friendly throws like a girl
6. Because Saiyd has long fingernails and Jerry curls
7. Because Charlie could have escaped through the window
8. Because Kate has fake teeth
9. Because I have no idea who Jacob is
10. Because Locke's name is Jeremy Bentham???
11. Because Michael killed Hurley's girlfriend
12. Because Locke is a douche
13. Because I'm not sure if they're flash forwards or flashbacks anymore
14. Because Jack and Claire are somehow related
15. Because people who should be dead keep coming back to life
16. Because Shannon was extremely annoying
17. Because I wasn't sure if it was "Paulo lies" or "paralyzed"
18. Because the black smoke can kill people
19. Because there is no such thing as a good ending
20. Because I don't know who was in the coffin
21. Because I haven't seen Vincent in a really long time
22. Because when Walt appeared to people, nobody could understand him
23. Because it's so weird how everyone is connected
24. Because Saiyd tortures people
25. Because the entirety of Lost cannot be summarized in 8 minutes and 15 seconds
26. Because Locke can walk
27. Because I'm pretty sure Claire's mom was in the process of dying...
28. Because Jack's dad is dead, or alive, or dead, but most likely alive
29. Because Hurley won the lotto, and it was a bad thing
30. Because everyone seems to be a little crazy
31. Because Ben was able to move the island
32. Because Jin should not have died
33. Because they don't have a special code for, "there's a man in my closet with a gun to my daughters head"
34. Because they have to go back
35. Because Walt aged 5 years over an 18 month time period
36. Because Michael was able to die
37. Because the 12 vortices's makes sense, but there is still no confirmation
38. Because Jack has had the same amount of beard stubble for 5 months
39. Because Desmond gets blown out of the hatch, loses his clothes, and can now see the future
40. Because that one "other" leader hasn't aged in 50 years
41. Because Sun is pregnant and Jin is sterile
42. Because no matter how much I don't want to admit it, I am addicted

*Edit* Feel free to add anything :)