Sunday, June 14, 2009

Girrrrrl. Why he break up witchu??

A few of my favorite things:

-Studying for finals like a crazy person
-Putting a deposit down on an apartment, only to find out that you no longer have roommates
-Getting no sleep
-Having your mom call you right before a final to tell you that your parents are getting a divorce
-Having no money, because you had to help pay for your parents divorce
-Getting a C on a paper, ruining any chance of getting an A in that class
-Packing and moving out
-Cleaning because some of your roommates decided not to do a super awesome job
-Not having enough room in your car for all your stuff
-Having to work for 8 hours on a Saturday
-Having to make over 18 feet of sandwiches in an hour
-Realizing that you left every piece of make up that you own in an apartment that is no longer yours
-Driving 130 miles in less than 24 hours
-Knowing that for the next 15 months you will be in school, nonstop
-Not being able to be sad about anything because you are completely devoid of emotion
-Crying in front of someone like an idiot
-Realizing that you haven't talked to your best friend in weeks
-Realizing that it's your fault

I would have to say that this summer has definitely started off not as I would have hoped. And I know that things are just going to continue in a similar fashion. And so it begins.

On a happier note, this week is going to be semi decent. Work tomorrow, which I will survive. Tuesday will include a visit from my mom and brothers. Wednesday will be a very good night. Thursday will be an equally awesome day. Friday... no comment. Saturday will be spent working then who knows! And Sunday will involve going home, which will be a mixture of pleasantness and unpleasantness.