Friday, June 20, 2008

So much love

I am officially employed, again, at my least favorite establishment nonetheless. At least it pays. My first night back I was fortunate enough to be able to rid Subway of 2 cockroaches. You're welcome. I also left with the familiar aroma sticking to every part of my body. And to top it all off, I have the pleasure of working 20 hours this week.
I've started working on my summer list. Reading is well under way. I love how in school I can barely read 15 pages without falling asleep. But today, I managed 300 pages. I started skimming over some Java. That is going to be fun. And working is bringing me one step closer to buying a Wii.
The original reason for this post; Grades are up!
2 A's, 1 B and a C. Not too bad. A little further off then what I had anticipated, but a 3.2 is acceptable.
-Kevin, I want to know what you got in Crim!!

I'm starting to "train" for my 15 mile run tonight. I'll keep you updated on how that's going. I'm thinking I might shorten it to 10. We will see how I feel after a week or so.

What did everyone get on grades?????


Padfoot240 said...

I got a C+ in Crim.


Padfoot240 said...

When do you work? We want to come and get sandwiches!

Laura Wright said...

jessica u did WAYYYY better than me grade ways... cangrats on getting so far on ur summer plans already!!!