Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today marks my first official day of summer. I am free. No school, no obligations. 4 months of nothing.
Actually, if I'm being more accurate, I have so many things that I need to do and so many that I want to do. I have to pleasure of going to jury duty Monday (yeah) followed by the not so pleasant task of finding a job, or 3. But in between all of the working, traveling, hanging out and catching up, I have complied together a list of things that I want to do before September 25th.

Summer To Do List
Learn how to play the guitar
Type faster
Learn Java
Watch the entire 24 Series
Learn some more sign language
Play basketball better
Brush up on my Spanish
Organize my itunes
Run for 15 miles
Teach my friends how to play Kajabe Can Can (and own them)
Go to the beach at least 3 times
Have a crazy road trip
Finish my movie list
Download download download!!!
Buy a Wii (and get really good at Mario Kart and Brawl)
Read a heck of a lot
Enjoy every minute

Sounds doable!
Let me know what you want to do this summer.

Oh. And Upland, not that exciting. But my brother's band was pretty awesome. And the car ride was enjoyable.


Padfoot240 said...

My projects are way better.
Prepare to feel the wrath of my doomsayer!

Laura Wright said...

Crazy crazy road trip...that is So doable!!! And make good use of my guitar!!! Miss you already...what am i going to do for 4 lame.