Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Secret Life of an American Teenager

So this is kind of weird and random, but it's something that I need to say.

I just had the most amazing talk with my brother. And that is something that I haven't done in a few years. We laughed, we hung out, we remembered; it was great. I don't know when or if that will happen again.

So if any of you are going to be near Anaheim next Tuesday, come out and see the show! (My brother's show) Chain Reaction, 7 pm :)

EDIT: I vow never to get sunburned again. My face is peeling, my body hurts, AND I have a cold sore. It is all very sad.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, yeah. =) I've had the same experince with my brother, we hadn't hung out in ages & about a month ago we finally hung out for the heck of it. & had a really good time. :) I love the show The Life of an American Teenager by the way. :) Hit me back if you have time!

Natalie said...

That's great about being able to hang out with your brother (:

Everyone has been talking about The Secret Life of an American Teenager, and I want to see it so bad, but our TV doesn't get ABC Family :P

And that sucks about the sunburn. Hopefully it will heal soon!

Padfoot240 said...

Chain Reaction!!!
