Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 0

Summer is officially over. School has started. Life is good. Life is busy. I know you're all wondering, what is Jessica's schedule looking like this quarter. Well, I'm hear to answer that for you. Let it begin.


10-10:50 ICS 21 Lecture
11-11:50 Math 131A Lecture
12-12:50 World of Coffee Lecture (With Adam. Kill me now)


11-11:50 Math 131A Discussion
12-1:50 ICS 21 Lab
3:30-5 Psych 11A Lecture


10-10:50 ICS 21 Lecture
11-11:50 Math 131A Lecture
12-12:50 World of Coffee Lecture
1-1:50 World of Coffee Discussion
4-4:50 Psych 11A Discussion


11-11:50 Math 131A Discussion
12-1:50 ICS 21 Lab
3:30-5 Psych 11A Lecture


10-10:50 ICS 21 Lecture
11-11:50 Math 131A Lecture
12-12:50 World of Coffee Lecture

And I'm on the search for a job. So if anyone can direct me to something not food service related, that would be great!!

So it's that special time of the year where I make my predictions for the next quarter. ICS is going to be difficult. I've only been to one lecture, but I know. Thank goodness for friends. I have my first programming assignment due Wednesday. Pray for me. Hopefully, if I study enough and really put a lot of effort into the class, I can pull out an A. But to be more realistic, I'm going to predict a B+. Math doesn't seem too bad. It's my first statistics/probability class. And my first upper division class. Hopefully an A will come from this course. Psych is going to be relatively easy. Not only have I already taken the class, but I've immensely improved my study skills. This class is going to be an A no problem. Last but not least, World of Coffee. The only way I wouldn't get an A in this class is if Adam deleted all my notes, which is actually a strong possibility. It is definitely a cake walk class. We'll see how this quarter progresses academically.

Non academically, it's already proving to be difficult. Thing with the family are tight. And not the "wow, that's totally tight!" kind of tight. More along the lines of "I really don't want to talk to you" tight. And then there are other things that are proving to be difficult right now. So pray for those relationships.

Today. BRAWL night. I'm getting good. Let me tell you. Then it's computer programming homework. Then, who knows...

Oh. I almost forgot. This need to be archived. I am very familiar with Huntington Beach now. Why? Because that's where I ended up on my way to Corona del Mar.

That was my little detour. I'm sure the 4 brand new freshmen that were in my car enjoyed the hour long bonding experience we shared :)

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