Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008


Merry Merry Belated Christmas!! I hope everyone had a great time with their families and safe trips if you were traveling.

I got a lot done today! Shopping, reading, eating, AND I finished the first season of 24. I guess that means I should blog about it, to let everyone know what I thought (which is probably exactly what you all thought when you watched it). So Spoilers! Don't read the rest of this blog if you intend on watching 24 at all.


I went into this show expecting, excitement, violence, torture, guns, amazingness. And that's exactly what was delivered. I could comment on every episode, telling you what went through my mind, but I'll spare you the boring details and skip right to the last 3 episodes.

1) Victor Drazen was alive! That actually still confuses me. Something about using a dummy? But then the US caught him and has been holding him? But he's somehow been in contact with his family?

2) Nina was the dirty agent! I 100% did NOT see that coming; not even a little bit. Mason, maybe, Tony, possibility. Nina?! Well, after discovering that, I won't make the same mistake again.

3) Palmer's wife = SUPERGAY! Every episode, I wanted to smack her. Her stupidity rivaled Kim's, and may, at some point, have even taken the lead. All she ever said was "I did it for the campaign; for us!" Man I was sick of that excuse. More power to Palmer for "never wanting to see her again." I don't know how that will play out in future seasons.

4) Teri was shot and is dead/dying!? I couldn't believe it. And I don't know what to make of it. And she's pregnant, so what does that mean for the baby if she makes it? Way to end the season guys...

5) Jack Bauer. Wow. Just, wow. He managed to take out 7 guys single-handedly! And made it out! Not to mention the dozen others he killed. (I didn't keep track, but it was a lot) He cut a guys thumb off! He saved Palmer, TWICE. He escaped the police several times, even taking hostages in the process. It gives new light to the phrase "Breaking the law when necessary." I'll have to rethink my position on that. No wonder he turned in all those other agents! You can't trust anyone!


I'm sure I'll start the next season tonight, and hopefully get through it a lot faster than the first. I'm reading through Harry Potter though, so my time might be split half and half.

Who would have known that organizing your iTunes would be such a pain!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Opened My Window and a Breeze Rolls in"

My name is Jessica, and I have a problem.

I am addicted to 24.

I started watching the other day. It's pretty good so far. It will be interesting to see how the story plays out. Episode 6 is playing as I'm typing this.

So whenever a break comes, we all know that I make a list of things I need to get done/want to get done. :D


Twilight Saga
Harry Potter Series
Circle Trilogy
Lover of My Soul

How I Met Your Mother
Movie list
Bond movies

Organize iTunes
Half Life 1
Half Life 2

Review Physics
School supplies/books
Parking permit
Sell Psych book

Christmas shopping
Regular shopping

Not to mention the post it notes of Week 16 and Week 17 and overall stats of the leading teams in the AFC.

Tonight is the second to last Colts game. If they win this, they're guaranteed a spot in the playoffs. If they lose, they'll need to beat Tennessee next week...

Other than that, I didn't have to go into work today. Best day EVER!
I'm working on a Twilight post, so keep your eyes out for that.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blue Screen of Death

Staying up late with friends, always fun.

Staying up late with friends when you have finals the next week, deciding to make breakfast at 3 am, choking on eggs because you were laughing so hard, playing hours of scrabble and almost winning, IMing across the room and randomly laughing out loud, making delicious seafood and stuffing you face, now that, is the best.

It's been an eventful last few weeks, ultimately ending in Winter Break. Unlike everyone else, I will be staying in CV, in my apartment, all by myself, alone, in Irvine, not with my family, in solitude, at UCI, because I, my friends, have entered the workforce yet again. It only took 3 weeks before I spilled the beans to Kevin and Adam and as expected, they made plenty of fun of me. But it's ok, because I am making a whopping 8 dollars an hour, which is an 800 percent increase from my no dollars an hour. But, unfortunately, it means I will be staying in Irvine for most of the break to work. I'm a little sad at the idea of this, but there are several good things that will come of it.

1. I will have ample opportunity to catch up on all of my reading, tv shows, movies, and video games.

2. I'll get to visit my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins, all with the prospect of free food attached!

3. I will have access to the gym, and no school, which means, hopefully, I'll use it.

4. ITUNES sorting will get done

5. The apartment will be spotless

6. Money

7. I won't get bored at home

That's basically all I can think of. And while all of those are great, I'm still bummed about not being home. My dad moved back in! Which means the dogs are there too :) So the next time I do go home, which will be this weekend, we will be a big happy family again. I'm pretty sure that's the best Christmas present I could have ever hoped for.

Finals Finals Finals.
2 down, 2 to go. ICS was pretty okay today. I wouldn't use "spank" to describe what occurred in that room, but I definitely did better than I thought I would. I won't bore you with the details of it. Just know that I have a very very very good shot at getting an A in that class. Now, Coffee, on the other hand, TOTAL DOMINATION! I'm not sure which I enjoyed more, though: writing 12 pages on the history of coffee or the fire alarm that decided to go off 15 minutes into the exam. It's a tough call. But after that, I came back and owned it in the face. It was a good feeling.
And now I have psych. I'll be reading for the next 6 hours, with a stop for the dinner that Adam will be making for me. It's been a good day.

So to everyone else, good luck on your finals! And have a super awesome break. If you're ever down near Irvine, come visit!