Thursday, March 19, 2009


So a few Fridays ago was a big day. It was "Ditch School to go to Big Bear!!!" day. And we did! I was promptly awaken at 4:30 am, courtesy of Laura's phone. After I got out of bed, did my morning routine, threw on some clothes, we made our way to Adam's car and were on the road! Let me just say, there is no one on the freeway at 5:30 in the morning. Ok, that's a lie. There are significantly less people on the freeway. The drive was fast. Getting our ski's/snowboards was fast. Getting our tickets, fast. Then it was time. Mind you, I've never skied before. I've been snowboarding, once, 3 years ago, and it was not my most graceful moment. But I thought anything had to be better then spending 95% of my time there on the ground. So my first run. I didn't fall off of the lift. Good sign. And then I was off. And I was good. Well, better than expected. I had a little spill, but other than that, my first run was amazing. Needless to say, I think I impressed most people, including myself. But that's pretty much how the day went. We would go down a hill, I would have a few falls (sometimes only 1, sometimes many) And because I'm a beginner, they loosen your skis, which make them fall off easier. I had a difficult time with that.

So it's 1pm. We've been skiing since 8:30. We had just gone down Summit Run, and decided that it was such a good run, that we were going to do it again. So I took off first. (I think the reason for this was in case I fell, or lost many articles, everyone who came up behind me could help me out) So I'm booking it. And not the good kind of booking it. The bad, I know I'm going to fall in 4 seconds, kind of booking it. And I did. I fell, lost my hat and goggles, slid down some more, lost a ski, then another, and then I stopped. I looked up and saw my stuff at the top of the hill, tried to climb and get it, heard Adam and Laura coming, and decided to let them get it.

Now this is where things go fuzzy. Actually, this is where I don't remember anything. So everything that I'm recounting was told to me from this point on. Adam and Laura got my skis, helped me back into everything made sure I was ok, and then we took off again. Kevin had already passed us at this point. We ski for a little bit. I make my way up to where Laura is and say "Not to alarm you guys, but I don't know where we are." So we sat down and they tried to see if I was being serious. I think the tears speak for themselves.

The medics arrived (thank you Kevin!) And I was immediately rewarded with pure oxygen. Amazing. They asked a lot of questions, most of which I didn't know the answer to. "What day is it? What month is it? What year is it? (2003 was my answer) Who's the president?" I had no idea! They put a neck brace on me rolled me onto a backboard of sorts, strapped me in, and then hauled me down the mountain. There was an ambulance waiting. (Not for me, thank goodness) But that didn't stop me from freaking out and trying to get off the back board. They took me into the medics building and tried to check me out. I got asked all of the same questions again. This time, I knew who the President was. They wanted to send me to the hospital, but in my amnesic state, I refused. After a very long ordeal, I was finally released and sent to the lodge with Kevin. We were there for almost 2 hours. And in those 2 hours, we had the same conversations, over and over again. I think he was prompting me for a laugh. (I will admit, it was funny hearing about all of this) By the time we left, everything was getting clearer. And by the time we got home, I was back to normal.

I still don't remember anything from the fall, or in the hour proceeding it. But, it does make for a good story. So if and when I do go skiing again, I will be wearing a helmet.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finals can Wait

1. Last beverage→ Coffffffeeeeeeeee

2. Last phone call→ Yesterday, at work :)

3. Last text message→ Annie - "He is really awesome. Uh oh"

4. Last song you listened to→ Single Ladies!!!

5. Last time you cried→ Pshhhh. Girls don't cry. It's been a while.


6. Dated someone twice → Ehhhhhhh.....

7. Been cheated on? No

8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Mebe.

9. Lost someone special? → Doesn't everyone

10. Been depressed?→ There was a time.

11. Been drunk? →What do you think?


13. Blue
14. Chocolate :)


15. Made new friends → Of course

16. Fallen out of love → Nope

17. Laughed until you cried → I've cried until I've laughed. Does that count?

18. Met someone who changed you→ Not that I can think of

19. Found out who your true friends were→ Yes. Some I wasn't even expecting

20. Found out someone was talking about you→ Oh yeah

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ This year????? Yeah

23. How many kids do you want to have → 2

25. Do you want to change your name→ No

26. What did you do for your last birthday→ Magic Mountain!!! With crazy van stalker guy

27. What time did you wake up today → 10:00. Trying to avoid going to work

28. What were you doing at midnight last night→ Bio? No. Friends - Series Finale

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Being done with Finals! And having kids. Is that weird that I'm looking forward to that so much?

30. Last time you saw your father→ It's been a while. Close to 3 weeks now.

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Being a better person. It's something I seem to be struggling with lately.

32. What are you listening to right now → The Fray

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Probably at some point in my life, but not a specific moment that I can recall.

34. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Marijuana

36. Whats your real name → Jessica Marie Barcaedfdsfiohsdf....... (Barcellano)

37. Relationship Status → Single

38. Zodiac sign→ Virrrrgo

39. Male or female→ Lady

40. Elementary→ Barcelona Hills Elementary School - Yes. I got made fun of.

41. Middle School → San Marcos Middle School

42. High school → Paloma Valley High School

43. Hair color → Black, slowly fading into brown

44. Long or short → Short actually. I like it :)

5. Height → 5'5" Even though my license says 5'7"

46. Do you have a crush on someone? → Blehhhh

47. What do you like about yourself? → I am very schedule oriented

48. Piercings → Yesh

49. Tattoos → Why YES!!!!! I do.

50. Righty or lefty → Righty


51. First surgery → Wisdom teeth. Thank goodness that's over

52. First piercing → 10 ish

53. First tattoo→ 3 weeks ago!

54. First best friend → ????

55. First sport you joined → Track

56. First pet → A fish

57. First vacation → :( I don't vacation. Ever.

58. First concert → Relient K

59. First crush→ Christian Fleck Grades 1-5 Hahaha

60. First drink- Decline to state


61. Eating → Nothing :( Even though I wish I was

62. Drinking → Water

63. I'm about to → Go eat and then finish studying

64. Listening to → The Fray... still.

65. Waiting for → SPRING BREAK!!!


66. Want kids? - Mhmm

67. Want to get married? Mhmm

68. Careers in mind? – Math teacher. Or a psychologist I guess. I'm getting the freaking degree!


69. Lips or eyes → No comment

70. Hugs or kisses → Both

71. Shorter or taller → Taller please

72. Older or Younger → Older I guess

73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both

74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms?

75. Tattoos or piercings→ Meh...

76. Sensitive or loud → Middle

77. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship, well.... depends

78. Trouble maker or hesitant→ Neither


79. Kissed a stranger → Sure

80. Drank hard liquor straight → what?!

81. Lost glasses/contacts → Sunglasses :(

82. Sex on first date → Pass

83. Broken someone's heart → I would hope not

84. Had your own heart broken → Definitely

85. Been arrested? → Close

86. Turned someone down → Yeah

87. Cried when someone died→ Mhmm

88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → ????


89. Yourself → Yes
90. Miracles → YES
91. Love at first sight → Ehhh
92. Heaven → YES
93. Santa Claus → Shhhhh....
94. Kissing on the first date? → Nothing excessive
95. Angels → YES


96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Of course
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → No
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever?→ Yes. Till death do you part
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without?→ Cheese (in case I didn't tell you today)
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Maybe...