Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yummy yummy Cheesecake

I know it's been a while. Too long. Much too long. But working 40 hour weeks, in addition to full time school, isn't exactly a conducive environment for blogging. I'll start with Spring break (because that's how long it's been!)

It was GREAT! It was relaxing. It was fun. It was necessary. The time I spent home was what I needed to be revitalized. School is so draining. I don't want to be a complainer, because I know you all go through it too. But you know. I spent time with family and friends, saw movies, went out to dinner/lunch, game nights :) and other various fun things. Needless to say, I was very sad Saturday night when I had to go home to be at work at 6:30 the next morning. Eff.

Now on to school. I was blessed this quarter. Classes are on Tuesday and Thursday ONLY! And here's my quarterly review.

SE 13 - 9:30 am. It's very....interesting. And extremely boring. But definitely manageable. I have the class with Laura, which makes it more enjoyable. My 4th stats class at UCI. And it's not getting any better. I predict an A in this class. Maybe even an A+

P107 - 12:30 pm. Clinical Child Psychology. It's about abnormal child psychology over the years, and what we're doing now with it. The class is fine. The teacher is rather boring. And she lectures insanely fast. It's a lot of material, and I'll have a nice research paper due at the end of the quarter. Awesome. I'll say B+ (A if I kick it up a notch)

Writing 39C - 2:00pm. BORING. I hate writing. I hate research. I hate Free culture. This is going to be most difficult class, by far. 3 research papers. Awful. My first one is due next week. I haven't even started. Eff. I give myself another B+

P108 - 3:30pm. This is definitely my most interesting class. The Social Animal. The professor is pretty interesting. A lot of movies (video clips) are shown and in class activities, which helps the time pass. A in this class :)

So there you have it. I know you were waiting for it. I hope everyone had a very happy Easter. I know I did.

And as update to those who know about my contest at work. 12 pounds an counting!


Padfoot240 said...

Yay for class.


Padfoot240 said...

You only lost 5 more pounds?

That seems very beginning based.

Jessica said...

It was. But there were a few fateful weekends when I went home that weren't too diet oriented...