Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are You Pretty?

So I have embarked on the long journey that is summer. Last week I clocked in an incredible 50 hours at work. 50 hours!! It was crazy to say the least. Now let me tell you about the night shift. 11pm until 7 am. You arrive. You clean. You prep. You help. You try not to fall asleep. Who comes into Subway at 3 in the morning, you might ask. There are 3 types of people: Cops, drunks, and highs (high people). I'm not sure which group I enjoy more. But the best conversation I've had to date would have to be the "Are you pretty convo." Let's recap.

"Subway, Culver and Michelson. How can I help you?"
"Is this Subway?"
"Are you open?"
"Are you serious?!"
"Are you my hero?"
"What's your name?"
"Ok Jessica, I'll be right in!"
"We'll see you then"

3 minutes later

"Subway, Culver and Michelson. How can I help you"
"Is this Jessica?"
"I just called a few minutes ago"
"Are you pretty?"
"You'll have to see for yourself"
"Do you have a facebook?"
"Ok. I won't ask for your last name, because that's just creepy"
"I'll be right in"

Needless to say, he never came in. That might have been awkward. But yes, that is what I have to deal with every time I work. And now, it's even during the day!

"Would you like anything else?"
"Maybe your number"

Awkward pause

"He's going to ring you up over there. Have a nice day"

Regardless, I get paid. That's what keeps me going :)

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