Friday, October 26, 2007

This week

This has definately been an interesting, long, and busy week. Monday started off as any other day, besides the fact that fires were burning everywhere and I almost died from smoke inhalation. I skipped a class [I feel like a rebel] and we had our Monday night tv extravaganza; Heroes and Chuck. Tuesday. Well, that's just a boring day. Wednesday was involved. I played tennis for the firsst time in months and I wasn't too bad. I decided that I was a 2....on a scale of 1-10 that is. I decided that instead if spending 15 minutes walking from the ARC it would be faster to take the shuttle. WRONG. It is not faster to take the shuttle. It is 30 minutes longer to take the shuttle, leaving me with a grand total of 45 minutes to get home. Lame. And I found out that Vangaurd is shut down for the week. Even lamer. We're closer to the fire and we have worse air quality, yet I still had to suffer through 2 midterms this week. [One which I failed and one that if I don't pass I will severely hurt someone]

Cru was crazy good, like always. Awesome worship except for the last song [hahahaha Adam] Passion tea lemonaide is NOT good, but completely addicting. And Physics sucks completely. If anyone gets higher than a 40 I'm going to scream. Math midterm tomorrow for which I am doing some mad studying for, not that I need it. And to top everything off, Fall Out is tomorrow, or today I guess. I'm sure I'll sleep on the ride up there. I'm pretty sure our car is going to be the best.

So as I'm sitting at my desk, waiting for my roommate to come back and trying my best to not think about math, I am contemplating sleep right now. It's 1:52 and I have to wake up at 7 to shower and pack and do many other things. And to top it all off, I'm hungry.

This week I've had a lot of things on my mind, mainly, my patience with God. It's something I am severely lacking in right now. Hopefully this weekend will bring new light to this problem. And hopefully I'll make some new friends too!

Kevin-Before I forget, I still have your camera and your $3. But I'm warning you, I just might have to start charging you for having to carry all this stuff around. Not cool man, not cool.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Is definately the devil. It's right there with Aleks. Evilevilevil.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Well, as you all know, fires are currently attacking the Irvine area. I just heard from somewhat reliable source that if it jumps the freeway, we will be evacuated. Scary stuff. There are crazy amounts of ash outside and the smoke is sufficating. Kind of. San Diego has been evacuated as well as Malibu and the Arrowhead area. It's only a matter of time. Moving on. Today was an okay day. I "accidentally" missed my Psych discussion. Oh well. Math was lame, just like always and I still have to figure out some financial aid stuff. Other than that, everything is well. This weekend will be the first that I am not going home. A little sad, but hopefully both my parents and I will manage. Keeping everyone in my prayers, especially those who have already lost their homes.

Friday, October 19, 2007

I finally did it.

Ha. I finally made a lovely little blog; a place where can post anything and where people can read it, I guess. Well then, I shall begin. College is fun in a different sort of way. So many things are going on that it's hard to keep track of. Campus Crusade is amazing and I am definately blessed to be part of this group. I've made sme pretty awesome friends here and I definately look forward to see what the future holds for me. Classes are so-so; boring and a little awful all at the same time. I can barely stay awake. (most of the time) But it's fine. I miss my family and friends at home a lot, but I try not to think about it too much. I'm managing it alright though. Ha. I took the train home for the first time today and it was definately intense. Actually, to be honest, I enjoyed it. We'll see how that pans out. I keep having to find rides home since, you know. Well, I think that's what I'm most sad about. I mean, there were so many plans. Everything was planned out; everything was supposed to be perfect. But that just goes to show you that you can't always have all of the answers. Sometimes life throws you something and you just have to manage. And I guess that I just have to keep going one day at a time. It's not so bad after you egt used to it and fill your life with other, better things. Moving on, I am currently attending the wonderful UCI in the even more wonderful OC. It's definately a change from little old Menifee, but I like it. Well, I think that will suffice tonight. I'm sure I will have plenty more to write about in the coming days. I have to figure this thing out. Darn you Kevin and your stupid blog addiction. Now I am too!