Monday, July 21, 2008


Irvine :)

I miss it here. Every time I come back to Menifee, I leave a little part of me behind. I miss the weather, the people, the good times, the school, and almost everything else. What I do NOT miss, however, are the parking tickets! The $52 ones. That is something I would definitely like to leave behind when go back home.

Other than that incident, I had a great time. I think I forget how amazing everything is. And it's not because I go out and do these crazy fun things. To an outsider looking in, it might seem like we do nothing here, but that's the beauty of it all; I can have fun sitting on a friends couch watching a movie, or just talking until 2 am, or even going on a grocery shopping extravaganza. It's randomly deciding to go play basketball when it's pitch black outside. It's Laura finding certain things in the trash and deciding to take them :) It's hearing about Kevin's new computer and having no idea what he's talking about, but being slightly impressed because of his 24 inch monitor. It's having Adam's coffee and remembering how much I suck at making coffee. It's all these things that make me wish I was here for the summer. But instead, I am minutes away from leaving, and most likely getting stuck in traffic, to go back to Subway :(

I love Menifee, just the same. And I don't dislike being there. There are some pretty crazy times too. But nothing compares to waking up, making your own breakfast, and deciding what you want to do today, no obligations, no parents, no worries (except for gas)

Well, at least I'll only be away for 2 days. Wednesday=OC Fair. And I hope to see everyone there!

1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

24'' ZOMG!!!!11!!!111!