Monday, November 17, 2008

Announce Your Presence Please

Story time :)

So I wake up this morning at 8:45 to the lovely lovely sound of balconies being fixed. Trust me, I'm annoyed. I drag myself out of bed, go into the kitchen and start my morning coffee. Back in the room, Laura's tossing and turning because, unlike myself, she doesn't have class until 11. I open up my computer, do the morning routine, check emails, facebook, you know, the norm. After realizing that my coffee is done, I go back out to the kitchen, mind you, I'm wearing pajamas and my hair looks like a cat slept in it! I notice that there's bright yellow caution tape running across our balcony door. Great. We're in quarantine. After making my coffee, I walk back out to head into my room and just as I turn the corner, a man jumps over our balcony! Let me tell you, I just about peed my pants. I ran into the room, shut the door, and told Laura what had just happened. Let's just say, I'm glad I won't be in the apartment for the rest of the day.

The End

So I've been working on my schedule for the past week. It's not looking too hot. Here's what I'm looking at:

Special huh? It's not final yet. I'm still debating physics (because we all know how well I did in it the first time...) So with that schedule, and then work on top of that, providing that I do get a job, it's going to be a hectic quarter.

But I'm not going to be thinking about that today. Today I'm heading over to my aunt's for lunch, possibly dinner, definite shopping, maybe even hitting up a computer store! and some serious gaming. It's going to be a good day.

CHUCK & HEROES tonight!


Padfoot240 said...

Luckily you were wearing pants!

blondeanteater said...

good luck with that schedule!