Monday, January 12, 2009

Supermassive Black Hole

Boy. It's been a while since I've updated anything. So I guess I'll start with the most pressing issue. As of January 3rd, 2009, the Indianapolis Colts are no longer in the running for the Super Bowl. And I absolutely HATE the Chargers. The nerve... And as of yesterday, the New York Giants, my second runner up, had their dreams shot up, and are also out. This saddens me greatly. Who do I root for? Cardinals, Eagles, Ravens, or Steelers? I have to admit, I haven't watched any of their games all season! We'll see...

Classes started a week ago. And let me tell you, fun stuff. Let's recap and put forth our predictions for the quarter.

Bio 36 - If I can manage to hold Adam off for the quarter, then I think I will do pretty well in this class. The material is pretty similar to things I learned in Psych, and all of the tests are pulled straight from the lectures! Score. I'll be optimistic and say A.
Physics 7A - Well, anything is better than an F -. Physics is just physics. There's no way one can describe it in words. I could write an equation stating how much I hate it, but that seems a little extreme. If I keeps doing well on the homework , which I intend to, and pass the quizzes, I predict that a B will come forth from this class.
Math 131B - White math professor. It's a beautiful thing. I can understand! This class is just a continuation from last quarter, so I'm pretty confident that I'll do well. If I stay on top of the work...I hear the tests are closed book! Haha, what a concept. I guess I got too comfortable last quarter. A.
SE 10 - Who says 3 hour classes aren't fun?! I do. Especially this one. Not enjoyable. We spent an hour talking about the library last class. Don't worry. I most definitely tuned out most of it. Hopefully I'll be able to stay awake long enough to get an A. Research... blah!

So. Super fun, yeah? I started that kickboxing class. I'll have to show you my sweet moves sometime. You would be jealous. It's pretty intense though. We'll see how I feel after tonight.

My mom called me last night. My great grandpa, who's 90 years old, mind you, is on his last few days. I guess it was kind of a shock because I haven't really heard anything about him, so I assumed no news was good news. I was wrong. But he's comfortable and at home with the people he loves. I'm not overly emotional about the situation, because I was never attached. I've met him a total of 2 times that I can remember. He was a nice old man. And, in case you were wondering, yes, he does talk. He's not one of those old people that you just sit and look at. But I feel more bad for my grandpa and my mom. That's his father, and her grandpa. They know him. They're attached. There's most likely going to be a funeral to go to this week. I've only been to one other, and that was for Nahum's dad. And the whole service was in Spanish. Not too much understanding going on there. But this means that all of those long lost aunts and uncles and cousins will be visiting. It's a little sad that death brings people that you haven't seen in a decade together. I guess it's just one of those things that you don't question and just let be. I won't ask you to pray that my grandpa get's better, because I truly believe it's his time. I would ask, if you're thinking about it, that you throw a prayer out for the comfort of everyone that he's leaving behind. They're going to need it.

And just when I think everything's almost perfect in my life, the rug get's pulled out from under me again. If I didn't tell you already, my parents moved back in together a few weeks before Christmas. It was great having my family reunited again. It's been a long time since I've seen everyone so happy. And Christmas morning was amazing. My dad made an AMAZING breakfast! Present time was just as good. (Not so much for the presents, but just being together, as a family) I was under the naive impression that we had turned to a new chapter in our lives. But low and behold, 2 days after Christmas, 2 DAYS!!!! I wake up to find my dad's stuff piled in the living room. Odd. But of course, I'm not thinking the worst in my head. But then I talk to my mom...

"Well, I guess we should talk about the elephant in the room." Really Mom?! Elephant? "You're Dad moved out this morning." Great. Just great. Because I was so ready for that one to happen. I told people. I even waited to make sure it was for real this time! I told people that we were all fixed. I told them that we weren't broken anymore. I guess I was wrong. And then I left. I came back to Irvine and I haven't been back since. I guess I'm running away. But after this year, I am just so done with it all. So I'm sorry if I gave anyone false hope that my life was back to normal. And, if you're thinking about it, pray that God gives me compassion for my parents and their situation. Because right now, I feel nothing.

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