Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Wish I Was A Better Artist...

Sad story of the year.

I know you've probably heard the story already, but in case you haven't, or in case you just wanted another laugh, I'm going to immortalize it here. (Or for however long I leave this blog up...)

First SE 10 discussion of the year. Monday January 12th 2009. 2:00om. DBH 1423 (Which holds approximately 30 people) I was there early enough to actually grab a seat, my first mistake. If I was to make an estimated guess, I would say there were around 40 people in this tiny teeny cramped room. And notice how I seem to be the center, with all of the bystanders facing my direction. Class was just starting, so my backpack's on the desk, unopened, sitting there. Second mistake. The roll sheet is coming around. I sign my name (Woo! Extra Credit)
So I lean forward (Third Mistake) to try to hand it to the person in front of me and to my left (Fourth Mistake). Apparently the weight of my backpack, combined with the angle that my desk was tilting, and the recent waxing of the floor (I'm assuming) was too much for my desk. The result was my backpack, with computer in tow, falling off and then my desk following suit and tipping over to a point of no return, taking me partially down with it. Now you would think that this could be construed as an accident and could be quickly recovered from. Wrong. The 3 people directly adjacent to me took it upon themselves to "pick up" my desk, as well as myself (which was currently residing in the fallen desk). After the guy next to me finished laughing, I left the room.

Now it's been 2 1/2 weeks, and my computer is still reminding me everyday about this mishap. It's broken. Every time it restarts, it's a different color. Which some might consider entertaining. I, on the other hand, do not. And last night it continued its decent. It flashes black. BLACK! Do you know what that means?! It's dying. I'm going to have to take it in to get assessed eventually, before it completely craps out on me.

In other, less saddening news, I'm going Snowboarding this weekend! Well, at least that's the plan. 8 hour drives! On little to no sleep! The life of a college student.

1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

Well at least you have people to help you fix it!