Sunday, January 13, 2008


My first assignment for my writing class. Enjoy

I guess I should probably start my blog, seeing as it was due 2 hours and 27 minutes ago. So here it goes. My name is Jessica Barcellano and no, it's not Italian OR Spanish. I was born right here in Newport Beach, but I've moved around a lot. I currently live in Menifee, CA which most of you have probably never heard of before. It's basically an hour inland and a tad north. Riverside county, if that helps. I moved there about 5 years ago, and let me tell you, there's STILL nothing to do. But I love it anyways. My home is filled with many people: my parents, and my three younger brothers. And to help the boy population in my family along, I have three older male cousins and three younger male cousins. Insane, right?

I have a fairly large social group going on back at home and I'm making my way over here in Irvine. Even though we live in the middle of nowhere, we still manage to have fun. I am still in awe at how we do it. So, now I'm back in the O.C. pursuing something close to my heart. Math. That's right. I am one of the only 5 math majors on campus. Okay, that's an exaggeration. But I'm pretty sure it's under 5% at least. And with that degree, I want to teach; high school Calculus to be more specific. My hobbies consist of music, reading, football (go Colts!), hiking, gaming, and anything fun, but not too crazy.

Music controls a large part of my life. So as long as it's decent, I'm down for anything. The television also has a strong hold over me. I can say with certainty that I am thoroughly addicted to over 15 shows. I'm currently catching up on Lost (because who can resist it?) I'm also a Grey's fan, The Office, Heroes, and basically anything on during Prime time. Reading is a favorite pass time of mine. I absolutely adore Hamlet and Macbeth. To Kill A Mockingbird and Wuthering Heights were amazing reads. But to be quite honest, there are a few authors that I refuse to read anymore: Earnest Hemingway and Jane Austin top the list. Weekends in Irvine are pretty relaxed. I'm either doing homework, in an intense battle of Halo or Kart, or just over at a friends dorm/apartment. There is the occasional outdoor activity and the definite Sunday football games.

And if I could have a superpower, I would love to be able to shoot spaghetti out of my fingertips. Not really, but the power to heal would be pretty neat.

My past English classes were interesting in their own way. Freshman and Senior year dominated. They were by far the most interactive and that, to me, is very important. Sophomore year was overloaded with work and Junior year was just plain and boring. But I did learn loads, and hopefully that will show. We wrote a lot about Nature Junior year, and that was lame. Shakespeare dominated Senior year. We even ended up making a movie, incorporating all of the books we read into a unique storyline. And that was by far the best part of Senior year. I wrote somewhat about Utopia and Dystopia during high school, but I'm excited to learn more about the subject. I am a little worried about essays, because I am not the strongest writer, but hopefully that will all change this quarter.

So now this thing is 2 hours and 57 minutes late, but who's counting?

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