Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Humpback Whales

New Year's Resolutions for 2008

Grow in my relationship with God
Run 15 miles
Swim in the ocean
Make someone smile everyday
Write letters to people
Let go of the past
Guard my heart
Be friendly with everyone
Be understanding
Don't judge people
Don't get angry
Go to a fair!
Enjoy the people God has put in my life
Love cautiously
Remember that everything happens for a reason, even if I don't like it
Have fun

2007 was a hard year. I met so many people, and lost a lot too. I'm trying to think back to how I felt exactly one year ago, and I felt excited. And right now I feel nervous. So much has changed in the last year that it's scary to think where I was. But I am moving forward with my life! And that's a good thing. So here's to the new year! Enjoy 2008, because it'll only come once :)

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