Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why can't adults just be adults?

For my entire life I've been told to act my age, if not act older than I am.

"Don't do that Jessica. That's something your younger brother would do."
"Jessica! You know better than that."
"Stop crying and act your age."

I admit it, I was a brat. And I'm sure I deserved most of those comments for doing something stupid. And I can also attest to the fact that I spent a large portion of my childhood crying.

What I don't understand is how my parents could spend all that time telling me that if I wanted to be treated like an adult, I needed to act like one, and they can't even do the same.

I wonder if I should take their advice and treat them like the age that they're acting. That might cause controversy...

I know they're human and that they make mistakes. I just don't know how much longer I want to put myself in that environment.

Prayers appreciated :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today is an epic day!
Not only is The Office new, but both LOST and Grey's Anatomy are returning tonight! Is there anything that can top that? Why yes, there is. I found my key and now I do not have to pay $25 for a new one. And on top of that, I aced my math quiz today. And the cherry that completes this oh so sweet sundae is the amazing grade I know I got on my psych midterm. I think it's pretty safe to say that I am having an amazing week.

In other, more pressing news, I have to figure out what the heck I'm going to do this summer. I have 2 options, each with its own set of pros and cons. I can either stay here on campus, take 16 units of classes, pay rent,pay for food, pay for parking/gas/other car related expenses, work in Irvine, see UCI friends, and possibly have a crazy road trip. Or I can stay home, live for free, eat for free, work in Menifee, see FEE friends, maybe go to the JC, and possibly have a crazy road trip. Both parents are pushing for the second option, and they are the ones buying me a car....

I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Now it is time for crim reading. And the crim test. Woot.

(And if you say Gay's Anatomy, I will shoot you)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


We got our apartment today. 1039e! Come visit us. It's the perfect distance from everything; it's close to campus, right next to the parking lot, laundry facilities, UPSTAIRS, and just amazing overall. Looking forward to the summer.

I can't believe it's already midterm time. I have a pretty rigorous testing schedule, but nothing I can't manage. I've been majorly studying for psychology. If I can't get an A in the class, then I can't double major, so a little pressure there. And of course I need to do well in my other classes. We will see. I'm so excited to see what the end of the year will bring. I'm really bummed that I'm missing Bill Nye tonight. But hopefully Kevin will take a multitude of pictures. But at least I can watch the office :) Which is the perfect way to end the day.

And a very important side note: Failblog Go check it out!

A picture to leave you with:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Assassin Time!

It's that special time of the year. We started playing assassin. The rules are a little different then I remember. I have to get my target to say a word. There's a slight problem though. I've never said a single word to this girl. What to do? I think my course of action is to wait it out until next week when the task is slightly easier to accomplish, like maybe a sock? Or a nerf gun. That would be pretty awesome. I just hope that I don't get killed.

So if I'm not talking to anyone in my dorm besides Laura, Jin, and possibly Annie, don't feel offended. I just don't want to die!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Do you know what a gang is?

My plans for this weekend include watching Gangs of New York,

Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:22 AM):
i cant be your friend if u dont watch it
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:23 AM): soon
jesssikkkka (12:57:42 AM): you won't be my friend?
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:45 AM): nope
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:54 AM): friendship terminated
jesssikkkka (12:58:04 AM): adam
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:04 AM): if u dont watch it by the next time i see you
jesssikkkka (12:58:08 AM): I
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:09 AM): u have to
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:14 AM): watch it before the patriot
jesssikkkka (12:58:16 AM): but it's soooo looong
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:26 AM): im going to pretend u didnt say that
jesssikkkka (12:58:34 AM): really
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:39 AM): m hmm
jesssikkkka (12:58:42 AM): cause I said it just for you
jesssikkkka (12:58:53 AM): cause I don't think you filled your that's what she said quota today
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:57 AM): lol
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:00 AM): but seriously
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:01 AM): watch it
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:03 AM): this weekend
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:08 AM): u can divide it into 2
jesssikkkka (12:59:20 AM): urgh
jesssikkkka (12:59:21 AM): ok
jesssikkkka (12:59:24 AM): I will watch it
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:30 AM): its just the best
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:31 AM): i think
jesssikkkka (12:59:35 AM): even though I don't know what a gang is

Among other things I am going to an animal expo,
beating water temple, completing piles of homework, and doing something to fill the rest of my time alone this weekend. Zelda time...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Whoever invented steam SUCKS!

Has it been a week already?

Well, it's prediction time. What are my expectations for this 10 week quarter?

Math 3A - Doesn't seem too bad. The teacher's really nice, and seems fairly confident in her math abilities. And she speaks perfect English! This is my earliest class....enough said.

Math 3D - It's pretty straightforward material. Differential equations. And my teacher has the funniest accent. It's like a mix between Chinese and British. We will see.

Crim C7 - One word. FILIBUSTER. Man can that teacher go on and on and on. "We will have an election when we have an election." But I have the class with Kevin and Adam, so chances are, I will be able to stay awake for most of the time. Especially with Adam pressing my caps-lock and other various button combinations.

Psych 11B - It's been ok. It's a little drawn out. And pretty repetitive, but Hallie and Adam keep me entertained. But the Zaps.....

My goal this quarter is to get all A's. So we will see. I've been really good about homework. Adam gives me 2 weeks.

Now on to Zelda. Oh man. Oh man. It has been pretty intense the past few days. And I'm bummed I can't play this weekend. But Monday I'm going to start FOREST TEMPLE! I'm doing a lot better than I had expected. Especially when I have Kevin, Adam and Jin yelling in my ears. And after 7 attempts, I was finally able to beat the Octorok in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. That was a mother. And a real crowd pleaser for the people watching/coaching me. I don't see the difference in using a walkthrough and using my friends as guides. It seems the same. But, I've done a lot of the work myself, so yeah. More news to come on that.

Now I'm just about to head of to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow. John has to be at school by 6 am. Then James has to be in Murrieta by 7 am. Then I need to pick him up sometime after that, take care of a dog and be sure to grab John sometime around 2 am the next morning. Yeah? No.

(And I could have been up at SLO this weekend, OR watching the UCI/CSUF games)