Thursday, April 17, 2008


We got our apartment today. 1039e! Come visit us. It's the perfect distance from everything; it's close to campus, right next to the parking lot, laundry facilities, UPSTAIRS, and just amazing overall. Looking forward to the summer.

I can't believe it's already midterm time. I have a pretty rigorous testing schedule, but nothing I can't manage. I've been majorly studying for psychology. If I can't get an A in the class, then I can't double major, so a little pressure there. And of course I need to do well in my other classes. We will see. I'm so excited to see what the end of the year will bring. I'm really bummed that I'm missing Bill Nye tonight. But hopefully Kevin will take a multitude of pictures. But at least I can watch the office :) Which is the perfect way to end the day.

And a very important side note: Failblog Go check it out!

A picture to leave you with:

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