Thursday, December 27, 2007

Rocket Can

What if everything you ever dreamed of

Hahahaha. Just needed a laugh. Well, winter break has been eventful so far. I've been sick the majority of it. So that's always fun. Then there was my dad's surprise heart attack. Pretty scary stuff if you ask me. Christmas was good. It was different though. Like, I woke up and I wasn't jumping out of my skin like normal. I guess that's just part of growing up.
Last night was awesome. Ice Skating in Esco. Then In n Out. And to top that all off....funny crazy games at Ashlee's house. I am the most intense samurai that you will ever meet.

So basically, Kevin. This is what you missed out on!
Today's going to be an interesting day. Ashlee's house again, which is going to be awesomely insane. And some other less pleasant stuff will be happening. Joy.

I just want to be back at school. I don't want to think about anything else. I don't want to deal with anything else. I love my time here, but I'm done. If that makes me weak and a coward, then I'm okay with that. Things are just too complicated and frustrating. Ahhhh. I can hardly think.

On a lighter note, this weekend should be interesting. Hopefully "Juno" is going to happen on Saturday. And some other events as well. Looking forward to it. Nine more days until school! Thank goodness.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


So I've been home for about a week now. It's weird not seeing all my UCI friends everyday, but less than 2 weeks kids :)
Grades...ehhh. Well I did my best
Math 2B : A
Psychology : C-
Physics Lab : C
Physics: F

Next quarter will be better. Currently I am signed up for
Math 2D
Math 2J
Writing 39B
Psychology 11B
And I expect to get 2 A's and 2 B's respectively. We will see.

I know it's been a long time since I've been home, but everyday I wake up thinking one day closer to going back. I don't know. Right now it'll be 14 days until I return. But until then, I will have to fill my time with endless trivia, reading, studying (hahaha) and friends.

Thursday is the big hangout. Ice Skating then movie/bon fire/spa sesh (In the words of miss Rood)

Friday Kevin is coming down, so I'll get to annoy him for a few days. And possibly punch him in the face.

Then it's just another week.

On a side note, today's games were amazing.
Colts beat the Texans
Packers got PWNED by the Bears
Miami lost to the Patriots, but it was funny watching Brady throw 2 interceptions, a fumble, 2 or 3 sacks and not scoring at all in the second half!

Chargers game tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Currently I am sitting in my den area thinking about how little I have to do. And what better way to fill your time then by listening to Relient K and typing out the updates of your life on Facebook. I am now 18, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day. I am 5'5'' (a whole two inches shorter than my drivers license says) and I recently tried to die my hair blonde. Thankfully it did not work. I reside in Menifee, California (Land of the Dirt) but live in Irvine, California. I just failed my first class, and despite the disappointment, I am quite pleased with it.

At school (UCI) I have some pretty sweet friends. And I can officially say that I have turned. As you may remember in high school I was the band kid, academic kid, track kid, and homecoming princess. So to sum that up, a little above average on the popularity scale (but who's looking really?) Now in college, I am no longer the band kid, academics have gone out the window, I don't think there is a homecoming here and track is nonexistent. What I am though is a through and through Video game nerd, internet fanatic, technology weirdo, and God loving child. And I am proud of it. I would like to thank my converts; Kevin for teaching me his Halo ways and insane obsession with all things Zelda, Travis and Nick for getting me hooked on Mario Cart, Jin for Final Fantasy 10 and the never ending debate between playstation and Nintendo.

I have continued to step into my faith more and more each day. I am part of The CCC or Campus Crusade for Christ or more commonly, Cru. So many people in this group have already influenced my life. To list everybody would cause major carpal tunnel syndrome. I think I'll just stick to tagging. But I definitely thank God everyday that I am part of this group. And I cannot wait to see what the rest of this year holds for me!

Moving on. Boys. Gah. Is there any other way to describe them?

I failed my first class. Physics 7A or as I have been known to call it, the devil. Even with studying I received a 36% on the first midterm. And with out studying, I am proud to say that I got an 11% on the final. If you're going to fail a class, aim for the Mega super mondo extreme F (which is what I got) Math is great. Definitely where I want to be. Way better than anything I could have planned myself. And I'm glad I found the only other math major on Campus ;)

And I can't forget my Menifee homies. Despite the fact that we live in the middle of nowhere, we always manage to find good times :D

I believe I can say now that I have truly found myself.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Business Time

"2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute in heaven"


Are awful. Well, at least physics [which is STILL the devil]

Peeeectures from the concert!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rubix Cube

So basically this will be me in like a week. I've been practicing like mad crazy and I can do it in under 5 minutes. We will see!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


So I am currently sitting in the ICS computer lab contemplating doing my math homework. I am also thinking about a heck of a lot of stuff I have to get through in the next few weeks before finals. Basically, I'm going to fail my physics class. And the sad part is I really don't care. Math is bomb. I totally pwned Kevin in the face. [What now???!!] And to top things off, I am thoroughly confused about everything. I just don't know anymore. What should I do? How should I do it? LAME. Sometimes, college sucks. Anyways, besides this week being the best week of my entire life....

Relient K and Switchfoot concert
A on my second math test
A few nights of some really good sleep

some sucky stuff has happened too. I don;t know what the heck is up with my parents....and I don't want to know. I juts want to stay as far away as possible. Does that make me a bad person? Or just someone who doesn't want to deal with whatever the heck it is. I know everything will work out according to God's will, but I hate the in between of being around both of them when they can't even look at each other. I wish I could just tell them to GROW UP! But I can't. Just keep my family in your prayers. I don't want another sucky Christmas. One was bad enough.

Moving on. Tonights agenda is kinda interesting.

Right now: homework
Later: Room cleaning, lowering my bed
Even later: maybe some studying
7 pm: Dinner at Red Lobster

I hope it's good! Sorry for not posting [Kevin] I do have a life though.
Hahahaha Just kidding [maybe]

OH. and pictures from the concert will be put up later...maybe even today!