Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

I have officially done everything I could do to avoid my homework. After going to church this morning, (Newsong -- pretty good stuff) eating, cleaning and reorganizing my entire room, Lost, talking to people, and checking all my mail and what not, I now realize that I must complete 4 sections of math, read 2 chapters in my psych book, STUDY, and do some writing. Gahh.

So many things have been going on the past few weeks that it's hard to keep track sometimes.
Quick Updates:
We're moving!!! (Not somewhere I'm too terribly happy about though)
Doing really well in classes
Adam and I are geniuses -- 202
LOST is the most amazing show ever
I don't have TB
God is good (I have to remind myself sometimes)
I have some pretty amazing friends who are always there for me :)
Zombies will NEVER happen (but in the off chance they do, I'm going with Kevin)

Other than that,I'm making it through. Home is still sucking right now, so I'm not to excited about going there next weekend. I know God's in control of the situation. So thanks for all your prayers. And thanks for just being there for me. That means the most.

1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

My friend and I are considering ostracizing non-believers from our Zombie Survival group. You're either with us or against us.
