Thursday, February 28, 2008

*mumble, mumble* Little comment.

Bicycle crashes. It's something we're bound to do once in our lives, usually the day after we get our training wheels off or when our age is still in single digits. There must be something in the water here at Irvine because lately there seem to be numerous counts of these bicycle incidents.
First, there was Laura. Falling is something that comes natural to her. But she does it with such grace. There was the time when we were walking up a hill and she just fell, bike and all. Not to outdo herself, she also fell while she was riding. Just moving along, and then just on the ground.
Kevin's encounter was by far the best. This should be your main deterrent from ever talking in the phone and riding your bike at the same time. While he was leaving Adam a message, and riding one handed, he thought it would be smart to brake before the bottom of the hill to avoid falling. Instead, he flipped over his handlebars on the middle of the hill, all while remaining on the phone. That, my friends, is true talent. Factoring out the bloody napkins at Pippin, no major injuries occurred during this fall.
Now to conclude the trilogy, my fall. After a very exciting baseball game, Adam and I were riding back to the dorms. We were rounding a corner to go up a hill, through several poles! I went in at a bad angle, knew what was about to happen, shouted "Adam!" along with some other pleasantries, and proceeded to crash into one of the poles. Not only did I run into this pole, but I ran into it, fell off the bike, which then landed on top of me. After several minutes of laughing and replaying it in our minds, we made it back to the dorms and continued to laugh about it with Laura and Kevin. All in all, a very interesting night.

So what is the deal? Just as a warning, I'm sure Adam is next.

On other news, we went to a baseball game tonight, which was amazingly AMAZING! I learned a great deal about everything, courtesy of Adam and we won 7-3. And to top it off, we're going again Friday. Hopefully there are no more biking incidents :)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Let's shoot some NIKE

I would just like to say:

What the heck is going on in Lost!?

Seriously?Seriously? The baby's name is Aaron? Who thought that was a good idea? I won't give any spoilers (unless you didn't know that Claire's baby was named Aaron) But I have no idea where any of this is going. So frustrating.

I recently found out that I am a somewhat decent basketball player, (Thank you Adam) and that I scare easily . (Thank you Laura) School is going well too. I've been having a lot of doubts about what I want to do lately. I'm just not quite there yet. I know all will happen in God's time though.

So a more important issue do discuss: Boys and Dreams.

Jin and I have been having some interesting conversations about it lately, sometimes until 4 in the morning. And let me just say that we have both decided that they are the more confusing sex. She brought up a very interesting point the other night. They act in a way that says, "Hey you. Yeah you. I like you. And I'm going to "flirt" or whatever with you, but never mention anything about it or tell you at all. Why? Because I don't like you. Yes I do. No I don't. Yes I do, but I don't know if you like me." Confusing, yes?

That kept us going for a while. Then we started talking about the meanings behind our dreams. Ever wonder why you dream what you do? We did. And after careful analysis we have concluded that our dreams are our secret desires, but we're too afraid to do anything about it. I won't mention any specific details, but I seem to keep having the same dream over and over; different scenarios, but the same people, issues, and ending. After thinking about the meaning behind it, I've decided that I'm just going to enjoy them. Because I'm sure as heck not going to act on them.

I think I'm going to indulge in a game of Zelda. You heard right. There are at least 7 different consoles at my aunt's house, so I might as well try some of them out.

Oh and something to leave you with: Kevin as a "Gangsta." You're welcome.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I used to do that, when I was 10!

Tough day. I had to wake up early and walk on the cold rain, which is just not fun. Plus multiple other things that I won't go into detail.
This week has just been very trying and I know I have to give it to God, but for some reason, I can't. I can say it out loud and in my head, but I can't seem to let go. And that's a problem. Things are just not working out when I try to control them, and I can see it, and I know it, and I'm not doing anything to change it. We talked about trusting God last night at Cru and that's something I needed to hear. (And Kevin falling was pretty funny)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, maybe if I write it out, I can finally give every aspect of my life to God.

Thought for the day - Lying will come back and bite you in the butt

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What if my wife put me in foster care?


Enough said.

Tonight was interesting. Some interesting things developed into the wee hours of the morning. I even had some Zombie deja vu (we were all in my room watching The Office!!!)

But other than that, I have a paper due on Thursday. And a midterm on Friday, which I haven't even started studying for. The next few days will be amusing to watch.

A thought to end the night; the divorce rate in the United States is roughly 11%

Saturday, February 9, 2008


So, tonight was definitely a night for the scrapbooks. Let's just say it started with some saran wrap...

The girls decided it would be crazy fun to "prank" the guys during their Gambling with God night. We had everything planned out; the water balloons were full, the car pens were ready, and everything was delegated. Our first stop was VDC Norte....David and Shawn's cars were first. Hamid, our new cop friend, came by to check up on a 911 call (us) but it was all good. He even let us tag his car a little. Then the water balloon fight commenced. After we got a few good shots in, they were on to us.
Paul (the friendly next door neighbor) helped us out too! But the guys caught wind of that too. So we had to abort. We left for CV, in attempts to wrap Kevin and Tim's car. Success was at our hands. We even managed to tag their apartments and bikes :) Cherri had to get a picture before we left though, the fatal mistake in our plan.
She took the picture, they jumped out of the cars, and the chase was on. Tim caught up with her, and then Kevin got me too. They tied her up, but we didn't go down without a fight. After many attempted escapes and wrestling matches, a few more visits from Hamid, and another attack from the girls, we ended the night at Jack In The Box.
To sum it up, loads of fun, and only minor injuries. But just a warning to the boys: We will have our revenge (not that you guys won or anything).

Friday, February 1, 2008

"I haven't read the book!"

So tomorrow may quite possibly the worst day of my life...
It's the big move day. And you know what that means.

But on a happier note -- Zombie dream. But this wasn't your typical zombie attack. Laura told me to write it down so I could remember it forever. And that is what I shall do.

It was a normal night. We were laughing at reruns of The Office. Adam, Laura, Kevin, Jin, and I were sitting in my room not paying any attention to the outside world. There was a loud noise downstairs. Fighting maybe. Jin stood up from her bed and said in an annoyed voice, "I guess I should go check that out."

We all nodded in agreement as she walked towards the door. "Don't get involved I said."

She nodded, pulled open the door, then made her way into the hall. Without warning, we heard her screams as she lunged for the open door. But it was too late. She was being dragged by her ankles, shouting in terror. Adam lunged for the door and slammed it shut. "What the heck was that?" he yelled.

In a very calm voice, Kevin said, "Zombies."

Without a second thought Adam stood up and in strong voice said, "I stashed some guns downstairs. I can get to them before they get too strong."

"Adam," Laura finally chimed in. " I don't think that's such a good idea."

"I'll be fine. Don't worry."

And then he was gone. Kevin was pacing through the room muttering things. "Have to think of a plan...not the right time....what are we going to do...we're trapped...I haven't read the book!"

There was a loud shout from downstairs. Then Kevin's phone started to ring. "Hello? Yeah. Okay. Okay. I'm coming."

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Adam's trapped downstairs. I'm going to help him."

"No," Laura said firmly. "You can't go down there." She bent down, reached under the bed and pulled out a machete. She saw the shocked look on both mine and Kevin's faces and replied, "For emergencies."

"You can't go. What if something happens?"

"It's okay," she said. "I've read the book."

She opened the door, and within seconds she saw Jin rounding the corner. Kevin whipped around his head, but before he could warn Laura that she was infected, she had already taken her machete and chopped Jin's arm off. Zombie Jin fell to the ground, certainly not dead, but it gave Laura an opportunity to run down the stairs. Kevin shut the door behind her. By this time I was crying, the only thing I could say was, "What are we going to do? We're going to die."

We could hear the banging through the walls. They were surrounding us and it wouldn't be long before they would break down the door. Kevin looked over at me finally and said, "I have a plan."

He jumped on the bed, threw open the window, took a step back, then kicked the screen out. He climbed out and waved at me to follow. I stepped out onto the roof, and found that we were 3 stories up, not very far, but still along way to jump. As we looked over the edge, Kevin and I saw Adam and Laura run out of the building, a mob of zombies close behind.

"Kevin, what are we supposed to do? We can't jump."

"Don't worry. I came prepared. "

Kevin had a parachute, a very odd thing to have, but useful nonetheless. He strapped himself in, and with one last glance, turned around, grabbed me around the waist, and parachuted us off to catch up with Laura and Adam. It was going to be an interesting few months.

Hahahaha. I know right. So what does this mean? Are zombies really going to attack? And soon? I don't know for sure, but it's definitely seeming like a real possibility now. Hopefully I'll have a continuance tonight and find out what happens to us...