Saturday, February 23, 2008

Let's shoot some NIKE

I would just like to say:

What the heck is going on in Lost!?

Seriously?Seriously? The baby's name is Aaron? Who thought that was a good idea? I won't give any spoilers (unless you didn't know that Claire's baby was named Aaron) But I have no idea where any of this is going. So frustrating.

I recently found out that I am a somewhat decent basketball player, (Thank you Adam) and that I scare easily . (Thank you Laura) School is going well too. I've been having a lot of doubts about what I want to do lately. I'm just not quite there yet. I know all will happen in God's time though.

So a more important issue do discuss: Boys and Dreams.

Jin and I have been having some interesting conversations about it lately, sometimes until 4 in the morning. And let me just say that we have both decided that they are the more confusing sex. She brought up a very interesting point the other night. They act in a way that says, "Hey you. Yeah you. I like you. And I'm going to "flirt" or whatever with you, but never mention anything about it or tell you at all. Why? Because I don't like you. Yes I do. No I don't. Yes I do, but I don't know if you like me." Confusing, yes?

That kept us going for a while. Then we started talking about the meanings behind our dreams. Ever wonder why you dream what you do? We did. And after careful analysis we have concluded that our dreams are our secret desires, but we're too afraid to do anything about it. I won't mention any specific details, but I seem to keep having the same dream over and over; different scenarios, but the same people, issues, and ending. After thinking about the meaning behind it, I've decided that I'm just going to enjoy them. Because I'm sure as heck not going to act on them.

I think I'm going to indulge in a game of Zelda. You heard right. There are at least 7 different consoles at my aunt's house, so I might as well try some of them out.

Oh and something to leave you with: Kevin as a "Gangsta." You're welcome.

1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

Jigga WHAT?!

You better get ready to start a long game. Zelda isn't for the faint of heart.