Saturday, February 9, 2008


So, tonight was definitely a night for the scrapbooks. Let's just say it started with some saran wrap...

The girls decided it would be crazy fun to "prank" the guys during their Gambling with God night. We had everything planned out; the water balloons were full, the car pens were ready, and everything was delegated. Our first stop was VDC Norte....David and Shawn's cars were first. Hamid, our new cop friend, came by to check up on a 911 call (us) but it was all good. He even let us tag his car a little. Then the water balloon fight commenced. After we got a few good shots in, they were on to us.
Paul (the friendly next door neighbor) helped us out too! But the guys caught wind of that too. So we had to abort. We left for CV, in attempts to wrap Kevin and Tim's car. Success was at our hands. We even managed to tag their apartments and bikes :) Cherri had to get a picture before we left though, the fatal mistake in our plan.
She took the picture, they jumped out of the cars, and the chase was on. Tim caught up with her, and then Kevin got me too. They tied her up, but we didn't go down without a fight. After many attempted escapes and wrestling matches, a few more visits from Hamid, and another attack from the girls, we ended the night at Jack In The Box.
To sum it up, loads of fun, and only minor injuries. But just a warning to the boys: We will have our revenge (not that you guys won or anything).

1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

Hahahaha. After one escape attempt you mean.