Thursday, February 28, 2008

*mumble, mumble* Little comment.

Bicycle crashes. It's something we're bound to do once in our lives, usually the day after we get our training wheels off or when our age is still in single digits. There must be something in the water here at Irvine because lately there seem to be numerous counts of these bicycle incidents.
First, there was Laura. Falling is something that comes natural to her. But she does it with such grace. There was the time when we were walking up a hill and she just fell, bike and all. Not to outdo herself, she also fell while she was riding. Just moving along, and then just on the ground.
Kevin's encounter was by far the best. This should be your main deterrent from ever talking in the phone and riding your bike at the same time. While he was leaving Adam a message, and riding one handed, he thought it would be smart to brake before the bottom of the hill to avoid falling. Instead, he flipped over his handlebars on the middle of the hill, all while remaining on the phone. That, my friends, is true talent. Factoring out the bloody napkins at Pippin, no major injuries occurred during this fall.
Now to conclude the trilogy, my fall. After a very exciting baseball game, Adam and I were riding back to the dorms. We were rounding a corner to go up a hill, through several poles! I went in at a bad angle, knew what was about to happen, shouted "Adam!" along with some other pleasantries, and proceeded to crash into one of the poles. Not only did I run into this pole, but I ran into it, fell off the bike, which then landed on top of me. After several minutes of laughing and replaying it in our minds, we made it back to the dorms and continued to laugh about it with Laura and Kevin. All in all, a very interesting night.

So what is the deal? Just as a warning, I'm sure Adam is next.

On other news, we went to a baseball game tonight, which was amazingly AMAZING! I learned a great deal about everything, courtesy of Adam and we won 7-3. And to top it off, we're going again Friday. Hopefully there are no more biking incidents :)

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