Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008


Merry Merry Belated Christmas!! I hope everyone had a great time with their families and safe trips if you were traveling.

I got a lot done today! Shopping, reading, eating, AND I finished the first season of 24. I guess that means I should blog about it, to let everyone know what I thought (which is probably exactly what you all thought when you watched it). So Spoilers! Don't read the rest of this blog if you intend on watching 24 at all.


I went into this show expecting, excitement, violence, torture, guns, amazingness. And that's exactly what was delivered. I could comment on every episode, telling you what went through my mind, but I'll spare you the boring details and skip right to the last 3 episodes.

1) Victor Drazen was alive! That actually still confuses me. Something about using a dummy? But then the US caught him and has been holding him? But he's somehow been in contact with his family?

2) Nina was the dirty agent! I 100% did NOT see that coming; not even a little bit. Mason, maybe, Tony, possibility. Nina?! Well, after discovering that, I won't make the same mistake again.

3) Palmer's wife = SUPERGAY! Every episode, I wanted to smack her. Her stupidity rivaled Kim's, and may, at some point, have even taken the lead. All she ever said was "I did it for the campaign; for us!" Man I was sick of that excuse. More power to Palmer for "never wanting to see her again." I don't know how that will play out in future seasons.

4) Teri was shot and is dead/dying!? I couldn't believe it. And I don't know what to make of it. And she's pregnant, so what does that mean for the baby if she makes it? Way to end the season guys...

5) Jack Bauer. Wow. Just, wow. He managed to take out 7 guys single-handedly! And made it out! Not to mention the dozen others he killed. (I didn't keep track, but it was a lot) He cut a guys thumb off! He saved Palmer, TWICE. He escaped the police several times, even taking hostages in the process. It gives new light to the phrase "Breaking the law when necessary." I'll have to rethink my position on that. No wonder he turned in all those other agents! You can't trust anyone!


I'm sure I'll start the next season tonight, and hopefully get through it a lot faster than the first. I'm reading through Harry Potter though, so my time might be split half and half.

Who would have known that organizing your iTunes would be such a pain!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Opened My Window and a Breeze Rolls in"

My name is Jessica, and I have a problem.

I am addicted to 24.

I started watching the other day. It's pretty good so far. It will be interesting to see how the story plays out. Episode 6 is playing as I'm typing this.

So whenever a break comes, we all know that I make a list of things I need to get done/want to get done. :D


Twilight Saga
Harry Potter Series
Circle Trilogy
Lover of My Soul

How I Met Your Mother
Movie list
Bond movies

Organize iTunes
Half Life 1
Half Life 2

Review Physics
School supplies/books
Parking permit
Sell Psych book

Christmas shopping
Regular shopping

Not to mention the post it notes of Week 16 and Week 17 and overall stats of the leading teams in the AFC.

Tonight is the second to last Colts game. If they win this, they're guaranteed a spot in the playoffs. If they lose, they'll need to beat Tennessee next week...

Other than that, I didn't have to go into work today. Best day EVER!
I'm working on a Twilight post, so keep your eyes out for that.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blue Screen of Death

Staying up late with friends, always fun.

Staying up late with friends when you have finals the next week, deciding to make breakfast at 3 am, choking on eggs because you were laughing so hard, playing hours of scrabble and almost winning, IMing across the room and randomly laughing out loud, making delicious seafood and stuffing you face, now that, is the best.

It's been an eventful last few weeks, ultimately ending in Winter Break. Unlike everyone else, I will be staying in CV, in my apartment, all by myself, alone, in Irvine, not with my family, in solitude, at UCI, because I, my friends, have entered the workforce yet again. It only took 3 weeks before I spilled the beans to Kevin and Adam and as expected, they made plenty of fun of me. But it's ok, because I am making a whopping 8 dollars an hour, which is an 800 percent increase from my no dollars an hour. But, unfortunately, it means I will be staying in Irvine for most of the break to work. I'm a little sad at the idea of this, but there are several good things that will come of it.

1. I will have ample opportunity to catch up on all of my reading, tv shows, movies, and video games.

2. I'll get to visit my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins, all with the prospect of free food attached!

3. I will have access to the gym, and no school, which means, hopefully, I'll use it.

4. ITUNES sorting will get done

5. The apartment will be spotless

6. Money

7. I won't get bored at home

That's basically all I can think of. And while all of those are great, I'm still bummed about not being home. My dad moved back in! Which means the dogs are there too :) So the next time I do go home, which will be this weekend, we will be a big happy family again. I'm pretty sure that's the best Christmas present I could have ever hoped for.

Finals Finals Finals.
2 down, 2 to go. ICS was pretty okay today. I wouldn't use "spank" to describe what occurred in that room, but I definitely did better than I thought I would. I won't bore you with the details of it. Just know that I have a very very very good shot at getting an A in that class. Now, Coffee, on the other hand, TOTAL DOMINATION! I'm not sure which I enjoyed more, though: writing 12 pages on the history of coffee or the fire alarm that decided to go off 15 minutes into the exam. It's a tough call. But after that, I came back and owned it in the face. It was a good feeling.
And now I have psych. I'll be reading for the next 6 hours, with a stop for the dinner that Adam will be making for me. It's been a good day.

So to everyone else, good luck on your finals! And have a super awesome break. If you're ever down near Irvine, come visit!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


"Wanna hookup"





My thoughts exactly.

In other news, Colts won last night. It was an epic battle against San Diego, but in the last 2 seconds, the score was sealed 23-20 by a field goal.

Week 9 commences.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Announce Your Presence Please

Story time :)

So I wake up this morning at 8:45 to the lovely lovely sound of balconies being fixed. Trust me, I'm annoyed. I drag myself out of bed, go into the kitchen and start my morning coffee. Back in the room, Laura's tossing and turning because, unlike myself, she doesn't have class until 11. I open up my computer, do the morning routine, check emails, facebook, you know, the norm. After realizing that my coffee is done, I go back out to the kitchen, mind you, I'm wearing pajamas and my hair looks like a cat slept in it! I notice that there's bright yellow caution tape running across our balcony door. Great. We're in quarantine. After making my coffee, I walk back out to head into my room and just as I turn the corner, a man jumps over our balcony! Let me tell you, I just about peed my pants. I ran into the room, shut the door, and told Laura what had just happened. Let's just say, I'm glad I won't be in the apartment for the rest of the day.

The End

So I've been working on my schedule for the past week. It's not looking too hot. Here's what I'm looking at:

Special huh? It's not final yet. I'm still debating physics (because we all know how well I did in it the first time...) So with that schedule, and then work on top of that, providing that I do get a job, it's going to be a hectic quarter.

But I'm not going to be thinking about that today. Today I'm heading over to my aunt's for lunch, possibly dinner, definite shopping, maybe even hitting up a computer store! and some serious gaming. It's going to be a good day.

CHUCK & HEROES tonight!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Found Some Words

So I've been doing a lot of thinking the past few weeks. And not your normal, let the thoughts run through my mind while I'm eating dinner and then call it a day. I'm talking about sitting down stopping everything that's around me, focusing on myself and my life, and just thinking. And if you know me at all, you know that I love to plan/schedule things. So that's what I've been doing. I've been planning my next course of action. I've been trying to decide how I'm going to handle certain things. I'm busy trying to figure everything out.

So far, I've come to this conclusion:

"Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone is imperfect. The way that you chose to handle those mistakes is what makes you strong (or weak)."

"Life is full of surprises."

"It's never too late. If it's meant to be, it will happen"

"Sometimes, there's really nothing you can do but let go and let God."

Saying those things and actually believing them, two completely different stories.

//Edit (11/5): Today is going to be a good day. Steak dinner tonight :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stupid is as Stupid does.

Words cannot even explain it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Musically inclined?

Step 1: Music player on shuffle.
Step 2: First 1 or 2 lines from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING
Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!

1. "We made plans to be unbreakable, love was all we knew"

2. "Look at them them running off of the sidewalk, look at us falling off of a building"

3. "In the day, in the night, say it right, say it all. You either got it or you don't. You either stand or you fall."

4. "Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes and let me see"

5. "Me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood. They say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could"

6. "It's feather light and floating in the wind. It seems there's no direction, gentle push from gentle hands"

7. "Let me tell you the story about the call that changed my destiny"

8. "You almost always pick the best time to drop the worst line. You almost made me cry again this time"

9. "I've been here before, now here I am again standing at the door praying you'll let me back in"

10. "I heard you're doing ok but I want you to know, I'm adic, addicted to you"

11. "They made a statue of us. And they put it on a mountain top. Now tourists come and star at us"

12. "I know she said it's alright, you can make it up next time. Well I know she knows it's not right. There ain't no use in lying"

13. "Yesterday is not quite what it could have been, as were most of all the days before. But I swear today, with every breath I'm breathing in"

14. "Set me off like dynamite strapped tight around my waist. We are the ones in competition but claim this ain't no race"

15. "Hope it snows this week, a snowflake on your cheek would make this Christmas so beautiful"

16. "God I'm in this place again. I'm trying so hard not to fall, but everything keeps coming down with the rain"

17. "So this is how it goes. Well I would have never known. And if it ends today, then I'll still say that you shine brighter"

18. "I let my guard down. How could I have been so dumb? Her eyes were open. I know I am not the one"

19. "Isn't it rich, aren't we a pair? Me here at last on the ground, you in mid-air"

20. "I don't want to say I'm right. I just want you to know. To know that there was a man who lived one day with holes in his hand"

21. "This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world and though she looks so sad in photographs, I absolutely love it when she smiles"

22. "It's the beauty of simplicity that brings me down to my knees. Lord I love you, because you first loved me"

23. "I can't believe what is in front of me, the water's rising up to my knees and I can't figure out how the hell I wound up here"

24. "A thousand times I've failed still your mercy remains should I stumble again still I'm caught in your grace"

25. "Well lately I've been thinking about some good home cooking just like I haven't eaten in the longest time. Now I like potato chips, now please don't get me wrong"

Friday, October 24, 2008

Abraham Lincoln and an AK-47

Fall Out today = Awesomely excited Jessica
Super Easy Math Midterm = extatic Jessica
Altitude Sickness = You don't even want to know

It's going to be a really awesome weekend. A much better bost is soon to follow.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I am a freaking good driver!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

First Dodger Game!!

It's fall!!!

Well, it's been fall for a few weeks now, but today was the first day it hasn't been ridiculously hot by 10 am. So fall starts today. And since Fall started today, it is time for a change. What? you might ask. So many things.

I guess the first thing I want to change is my approach at school and schoolwork. I missed my first class this quarter. Big whoop, I know. But I think after staying up until 6 am to write an essay, I'm allowed a little slack time. But because of my lack of prioritizing, I didn't attend class Friday, which means I didn't pick up my quiz, which means I forgot to print it out this weekend, which means I did not complete it, which means I am sitting in class with no quiz to hand in. But what's 25 points out of 1000? 2.5% I think I can manage. I have a midterm tomorrow, for which I am not even in the least bit prepared for. So that is what my day will be filled with. I might even have to miss Chuck and Heroes. Maybe.... Baby steps, right? Today looks something like this:

10-1 Class
1-3 Studying psych with Hallie
3-5 Some form of homework
5-7 Discipleship with Cherri
8-10 Chuck?????Heroes????Who knows????
10-The wee hours of the morning So much homework

Wish me luck. Don't even get me started on the coffee readings I am lacking in right now. I am definitely regretting taking 18 units this quarter. There may be a possible drop in my future. We shall see. It's easy to say, "Jessica, you just need to be more disciplined. Maybe instead of hanging out with your friends, do some reading." Haha. I just can't seem to do that. So this fall, I am changing that. I will be more disciplined. I will plan better. I will never ever ever forget to do a quiz!

I've always prided myself on the ability I have to stand up for myself and for others. It took 18 years of life for me to come to that point, but I did it. And now, I have lost my backbone. And I can't seem to find it. When it comes to my family, I can't seem to say no. Which, to you, might not sound like a bad thing, but it is slowly suffocating me. I know that this is a public blog, and that some things should remain personal, so I'll be discrete. I ended my summer with a bang. In the heat of the moment, I told my mom that this was the worst summer of my life and that I couldn't wait to be back at school. And as soon as it left my mouth, I wanted to take it back. But that's the tricky thing about audibly saying things. Once it's out there, it is out there. And even though she's old, I doubt she'll forget what I said. It was a conversation that we needed to have, but I definitely went about it in the wrong way. I let so many things build up and didn't deal with it, and ended up saying things that I didn't mean. And now, I can see that pattern starting all over again. This time, not with my family. Friendship is a very peculiar thing. Your best friend should be someone that you can tell anything to, even if it's something that they don't want to hear. You should practice building each other up, letting them know that you care and are only looking out for their best interests. Sometimes you joke around, all in good fun though. And trust me, I can take a lot; 3 brothers and 6 male cousins, I got this. Everyone has their breaking point. I can see mine coming up fast. It's going to be a very grim day if and when it finally comes. So this fall, I want to find my backbone. I want to change the way I deal with my family and friends. I want to communicate my feelings. I don't want to "explode."

(I've gotten some interesting advice on this subject, some better than others, some funnier than others, some that I would never in a million years do, ever)

The thing I want to change most this Fall, and what will definitely keep me on the right track with my other changes is my relationship with God. I don't know why, but I had a very difficult summer, and a rocky first few weeks of school. You would think that I would cling to God more during this time. But I've actually been doing the opposite. I've been pushing him away. I've been trying to deal with all of my problems by myself. And, surprise! It's not working. I'm trying to remember back to the good old days of high school. I was so on fire! And now I feel so complacent. I feel like I'm just going through a routine every week. So this Fall, I want to change that. I want to be captivated. I want to love. I want to be loved. I want to have a purpose.

Demanding. I know. I wrote it. Well, now that I've thoroughly depressed you, how about a pick me up?

jesssikkkka (8:29:40 PM): hey, can you think of any sad sad sad movies?
padfoot240 (8:29:52 PM): the one I always cry in
padfoot240 (8:29:54 PM): castaway
jesssikkkka (8:30:12 PM): haha
jesssikkkka (8:30:13 PM): another
padfoot240 (8:30:33 PM): old yeller
padfoot240 (8:30:40 PM): my neighbor totoro
jesssikkkka (8:31:05 PM): ok....
jesssikkkka (8:31:21 PM): how about a sad movie that you probably wouldn't cry in, but someone like myself might
padfoot240 (8:31:47 PM): spice world
jesssikkkka (8:32:21 PM): you're gay
padfoot240 (8:32:24 PM): hahaha
padfoot240 (8:32:27 PM): that was funny
padfoot240 (8:32:30 PM): you know it was funny

For the record. I've never seen Spice World, nor do I intend to, and even if I hypothetically did watch it, I would not cry.

//Edit: I went to my first Dodger game tonight! Which means I did not do homework, study with Hallie, or meet with Cherri. Hopefully I don't fail tomorrow!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Meet With Me

Just when I think I've given up, God opens my eyes and pulls me closer to him.

I'm here to meet with you
come and meet with me
I'm here to find you
reveal yourself to me

As I wait, you make me strong
As I long, draw me to your arms
As I stand and sing your praise
You come, you come and you fill this place
Won't you come, Won't you come and fill this place

I'm here to meet with you
Come and meet with me
I'm here to find you,
reveal yourself to me

As I wait, you make me strong
As I long, draw me to your arms
As I stand and sing your praise
You come, you come and you fill this place
Won't you come, Won't you come and fill this place

I'm here to meet with you
Come and meet with me

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 0

Summer is officially over. School has started. Life is good. Life is busy. I know you're all wondering, what is Jessica's schedule looking like this quarter. Well, I'm hear to answer that for you. Let it begin.


10-10:50 ICS 21 Lecture
11-11:50 Math 131A Lecture
12-12:50 World of Coffee Lecture (With Adam. Kill me now)


11-11:50 Math 131A Discussion
12-1:50 ICS 21 Lab
3:30-5 Psych 11A Lecture


10-10:50 ICS 21 Lecture
11-11:50 Math 131A Lecture
12-12:50 World of Coffee Lecture
1-1:50 World of Coffee Discussion
4-4:50 Psych 11A Discussion


11-11:50 Math 131A Discussion
12-1:50 ICS 21 Lab
3:30-5 Psych 11A Lecture


10-10:50 ICS 21 Lecture
11-11:50 Math 131A Lecture
12-12:50 World of Coffee Lecture

And I'm on the search for a job. So if anyone can direct me to something not food service related, that would be great!!

So it's that special time of the year where I make my predictions for the next quarter. ICS is going to be difficult. I've only been to one lecture, but I know. Thank goodness for friends. I have my first programming assignment due Wednesday. Pray for me. Hopefully, if I study enough and really put a lot of effort into the class, I can pull out an A. But to be more realistic, I'm going to predict a B+. Math doesn't seem too bad. It's my first statistics/probability class. And my first upper division class. Hopefully an A will come from this course. Psych is going to be relatively easy. Not only have I already taken the class, but I've immensely improved my study skills. This class is going to be an A no problem. Last but not least, World of Coffee. The only way I wouldn't get an A in this class is if Adam deleted all my notes, which is actually a strong possibility. It is definitely a cake walk class. We'll see how this quarter progresses academically.

Non academically, it's already proving to be difficult. Thing with the family are tight. And not the "wow, that's totally tight!" kind of tight. More along the lines of "I really don't want to talk to you" tight. And then there are other things that are proving to be difficult right now. So pray for those relationships.

Today. BRAWL night. I'm getting good. Let me tell you. Then it's computer programming homework. Then, who knows...

Oh. I almost forgot. This need to be archived. I am very familiar with Huntington Beach now. Why? Because that's where I ended up on my way to Corona del Mar.

That was my little detour. I'm sure the 4 brand new freshmen that were in my car enjoyed the hour long bonding experience we shared :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This looks like a job for Speed Walker!

Magic Mountain = Amazing.

It had been an entire year since I'd been, so I figured, I NEED TO GO. I won't go into detail about everything, just the highlights.

X2. After 3 hours and 15 minutes of waiting, we rode it. And it was good.

Souvenir cup. The second longest line in the park was to get our drink refilled. 1 hour for Cherry Coke. Totally not worth it.

Creepy Dread Guy. No words can describe.

Amazing friends. I think that's pretty self explanatory.

So I moved into my apartment last Friday, and I finished unpacking just a little bit ago. This is going to be a great year. I'm heading off to SLO in a few days to visit Ash. Try not to miss me too much :)

Colts won today, in case you missed it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What's My Age Again?

I'm in a chatty mood right now and I thought, what better way to relieve this feeling with a long overdue blog :) I guess the best thing to do would be to recap this past with PICTURES (and words) Shall we begin this journey?

Friday August 29th
I managed to drag myself out of bed at the ungodly hour of 6 am, a feat of which I am still amazed. After showering, packing, and chatting with the parents, I was on my way to Irvine. I dropped off the sickest sandwich ever created, picked up my two passengers, and commenced the 7 hour drive. It was long. Very, very long, and uneventful for the most part. We stopped in Gorman (5 points if you know where that is) for lunch. Ask David about the bathroom! Driving Driving Driving Driving San Lorenzo! Only after my navigator fell asleep and got us lost. All was good though. I tried duck that night. Interesting. Tasty? Messy! And I met....errr....got to know the coolest person ever! This guy. His name is Mike. He is my cousin. He is freaking awesome. He is the shiz, if I may. He is my twin, sort of kind of. I've never been able to connect with someone so fast and just be completely open and myself around them. If I could, I would move up to San Francisco right now, just to be around him. But alas, I can't. And I will have to settle with a few visits a year, if that! I'm going up again in October, for anyone who would like to visit with me :) After staying up til 2 am, we called it quits and headed for bed, only to awake....

Saturday August 30th
....at 7 am the next morning! It will be your job to tally how many cups of coffee/tea/caffeinated drinks I had in this time span. Mike got me coffee bright and early. Breakfast was delicious. Biscuits and gravy, always a winner in my book. Then San Francisco! I mistook the Bay Bridge for the Golden Gate, which was slightly embarrassing, but it was still awesome! Our first stop was Coit Tower. Many steps. Steep sidewalks. High altitude. It was pretty cool. We couldn't see the Golden Gate because of all the fog or smog or whatever it was. But there was a nice view of Alcatraz. (Not as good as from the Golden Gate) But still awesome. Going back down the steps was a lot easier. As soon as we hit the streets again we were bombarded with smells, people, visuals, but mostly people. San Fran is crowded to the max! China town was the next stop. Cherri insisted that we try boba. Needless to say, I am not a fan of whatever those little ball things are. If you ever go up to China Town, you might find the remnants of them strewn about. The tea was good though! We went into a lot of shops. I was a little, a LOT overwhelmed by it all. I tried wasabi peas. Disgusting. Shrimp garlic fries. Not that great either. Then we hit Barney's. Oh the manaquins. Starbucks was our next stop. Mas cafe! Then if memory serves me, Golden Gate Bridge!!!!!! When I told my mom about this, the almost had a panic attack. (She hates bridges, cliffs, overpasses, and anything of that nature) The drive across the bridge was nothing too spectacular, slightly better than the Bay Bridge drive. We found a sweet parking spot and discovered that the other car had gotten lost. BUT. I came to San Fran to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, and walk across the bridge, I did. And let me tell you, besides the people that I was able to hang out with, this was the highlight of my trip. I stood on this piece of history; something that is a global icon for San Francisco; something powerful enough to withstand thousands of cars drive across it everyday. It was breathtaking, if I may. The view to Alcatrez was really good too. About as close as you can get without actaully going out to the island. And after careful observations, I realized that I could not swim from the island to the mainland, contrary to my previous beliefs. We reconnected with our group after that up in Headlands?? Hawk Hill?? An area near the bridge. Joey and David, cutest couple ;) I tried a pork donut, Dim Sum as Cherri referred to it. Not the best part of the cuisine, but I ate it! After our pit stop on top of the hill, Mike and David displayed their manliness to us all by taking apart Cherri's car door! She was very concerned. But, they were able to fix it. And I learned how to disassemble a car door. We began the trek to Peir 39 after that. Driving in San Fran is CRAZY! There are so many pedestrians, more than I've ever seen. Everyone is trying to get everywhere all at the same time. The streets are narrow, the cars are huge. The lights are confusing. I can't parallel park, though I attempted. After almost killing my cousin, we decided that it would be best if he drove. I don't think I've ever had to go to the bathroom quite so bad, but we made it just in time. (Thank goodness. That might have been awkward)We walked the pier a little, saw a sweet pianists, went in to a few stores, nothing worth mentioning. After our other half arrived, we walked some more, and stopped at another starbucks. After a while, everything just seems to run together. Dinner was definitely worth mentining! Crab, in large quantities. We played a crazy game of tic-tac-toe. I lost, sadly. But I challenge anyone who is daring enough. Cherri ordered her first alcoholic drink on this occasion; a mimosa. (She wasn't a fan) She was a fan, however, of Mike's vodka and redbull :) Can't say that I didn't enjoy it either. Then came the sad drive home, err, to Cherri's. I had to say good bye to my cousin, someone that I hadn't seen in almost 10 years. We'd only spent one day together, and it didn't feel like nearly enough time. There was never a dull moment. I'm going to miss him. Ok. Now that I'm done being a baby.... Cherri, David, and Joey finally made it back to the house. We chatted it up, went our separate ways...

Sunday August 31st
...only to wake up bright and early for church! And breakfast. 3 cheese omelet. Need I say more. I thought so. Church was interesting. I may have fallen asleep, but I was really tired, so I think it's acceptable...ish. We went back to the house to set up for the frigging awesome barbecue! Food, good. Friends, awesome. The nap I took right smack in the middle of it, AMAZING! After deciding to go to trampoline dodge ball, yes, dodge ball on trampolines, I got in contact with my other cousin. A two-fer! Trampolines are intense. Holy cow. After 7 jumps, approximately, I was tired out. We made our way to some crazy Chinese restaurant, where I was able to meet up with cousin number 2, Joe. He drove all the way from...where ever he lives, just to see me! And although our hangout was short lived, that's not where this story ends. We drove home and stayed up till all hours of the night talking, laughing, hanging out, watching movies, and other crazy cool things. After finally making my way to bed at 3 am....

Monday September 1st

...I woke up to my alarm at 7!!!! So I could drive to Martinez to have IHOP deliciousness with Joe. After 3 cups of coffee, some intensely sugar-fied pancakes, we drove to a park and just talked. We caught up, laughed, reminisced and just straight up chilled. He's pretty awesome. And no, I never hated him. I actually always wanted to be cool enough for him. Haha. Funny. We made plans for next time. We talked about pranking my grandma. (And later decided that it probably wasn't the best idea in the world) It was just so nice to relax and figure out where our lives had taken us. Very different paths, might I add. After a sad good bye, I made my way back to San Lorenzo and got ready to leave. Talking and other things of the nature delayed our departure until 1 pm. It was great though. I knew I was in no state to drive, so reluctantly, I gave David my keys. It was a very scary experience, giving the keys, not the whole driving part. And after 7 hours of our 8 hour drive, I was finally able to sleep. It probably didn't help much, but what can I say! I enjoyed the company more than I would have enjoyed crashing for 5 hours. I made it back to Irvine safe and sound, headed over to my apartment, ready to sleep for many mane hours. I was not able to do so. I had to catch up with Laura, which was an experience, like always, and then we were visited by Kevin and Richie, an equally interesting experience. Then sleep, something I had missed dearly.

Tuesday September 2nd

I can' say that there was anything too terribly exciting during the day. I pretty much did what I've done all summer. I sat on my bed, on my computer, watched tv, talked online, and frequented facebook a lot. Things started to pick up later in the day. Movie/chill out with some friends. And then In n Out :) Funny story, if you were wondering. So I go to pay for my meal, $5.31. I give the guy $6.00, expecting a handful of change. I get back $4.61. Does that even make sense?! So I'm laughing on the inside and go tell Kevin and Laura. About 45 seconds later, Richie comes up to me, hands me a dollar and says, "He (the guy at the register) says he owes you a dollar." Bahaha. I couldn't control myself. I had to leave. So for my $5.31 meal, I was payed 30 cents. He must have known it was almost my birthday :) We went back to the apartment, where I received my riduculously awesome/amazing present. Cheese and video games! There's nothing better. Well, maybe one thing better....(Laura - hahaha) Then there was darkness.

Wednesday September 3rd

I'm 19! It's exciting. My phone started ringing at 7 am and didn't stop, forcing me to get up. Gay. It was a pretty relaxing day though. The highlight was the 3 games of Cranium we played, and the 3 games of Cranium I owned, in case you were wondering. There were some mad skills going on that night. Definitely birthday worthy. "Eff this game! It's 4 in the morning Grandma, YOU WIN!"

Monday September 8th

I won't bore you with tedious details of the last few days. I've been working up the butt and missing friends every second. 4 more days until Irvine :) Today will be filled with errands, laundry, shopping, cleaning, packing, moving, relaxing??? and possibly some cake. Scratch that. Definitely cake.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pants, uh oh. Swimsuit, ok. Naked, we'll see.

"A dream catcher works...if your dream is to be gay."

Summer is kind of sort of almost over. And it's a little sad. One, because I'll have to leave my friends and family at home. Two, because I'll have to actually do work. And three, because I barely dented my summer list! The only things I can safely say I completed were my need to download and my need to read. But can either of those ever by truly fulfilled? I think not. Let me reflect on my summer, even though there are still 4 weeks left.

I spent a lot of time with friends, and definitely grew closer to them this summer. The hard thing will be when they leave. Ash is headed back to SLO this weekend. And while it makes me sad, I get to see her in a few weeks. That's right. Road trip! A couple other people have already started school which is resulting in my social life declining. I guess I can't complain. I've also spent a lot of time with my family, which is something I won't be able to do when I start school. There have been a few beach trips, some interesting parties, and some pretty cool hangouts.

I did not learn how to type faster, it just kind of happened. I guess that's the same thing. I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but I can type without looking at the key board for the most part, which is something that I've never been able to do.

There were a bunch of Kajabi can can games this summer. And there were some difficult rounds. I didn't win, but I pulled a close second. Ash is just too much for me :)

Boredom. There has been a lot of it. Sitting, waiting, being alone, and bored. That has pretty much been my life for the past 2 weeks. I wake up (at 7 nonetheless), I drive my brother to school, come home and go back to sleep. Then I wake up again and usually eat something. Then, the highlight of my day, I either watch some sort of tv show for hours upon end, read, or organize my iTunes (which, needless to say, is very dry and boring). After that, more eating, more watching, more iTunes. It's very ritualistic. And very lame.

Harry Potter. I can't believe it. Postponed until July 2009. Argh. It better be really super awesomely amazing. Otherwise it will be premently place under the "disappointment" category.

I attempted to run. It's very hot in Menifee.

I did not learn Java. I can't even say I put a lot of effort into trying. But I guess I'll have to get my butt into gear when school starts. ICS 21! We shall see.

I wasn't able to buy a Wii because of lack of funds. Soon though. Probably before the holidays. But I did get my hands on an N64 AND Sega Genesis. So pretty exciting.

3 weeks until I move into my apartment! 4 until school starts. But I'm pretty booked until then. Hopefully the summer will end with a bang.

And this weekend, I get to spend time with friends, take a crazy road trip, and see my cousin. And I know you all are wondering. Yes, when I called him I said "Hey it's Jessica.....you're cousin." I didn't deem it necessary to add the "cool" at the end. But I secretly said it in my head.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Happy Birthday to:

Laura Wright (August 14th)
Denna Gordon (August 16th)
Ashlee Rood (August 21st)
Carizza Sioco (August 21st)
Cherri Chin (August 25th)

No wonder I'm poor this month.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Just Do It!

Free Yogurtland!

Definitely the best part of my day.

Well, maybe second : )

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thanks for the Memories

Today was a monumental day. I completed Majora's Mask! And it was amazing :) And in case you were wondering, yes I did get all 20 heart containers, all 6 bottles, all upgrades, and all 24 masks. So, yes a very successful run if I do say so myself. Besides Zelda, what else have I been doing with my summer? Let me share with you.

I've been working at my least favorite food establishment, Subway, and needless to say, it has been a nightmare. I don't like the person I become when I go there. I think I'm going to quit in the next few weeks. And I don't mean quit and then a few weeks later come back. I mean, genuinely quit, and never go back. So Kevin, you only have a few sandwiches left from me. I think I will be relieved when I finally do leave, especially if my job interview goes well tomorrow!

I've also been reading a lot! Which, I think, is my biggest accomplishment. I've read about 8 books, give or take. I'm actually reading 3 right now! I know it sounds weird, but sometimes I need a change. In case you were wondering, it's "Motor Mouth," by Janet Evonavich, "Black," by Ted Dekker, and "Sorcerer's Stone," by J.K. Rowling. All 3 are amazing! I have a few others on my list, so we will see what sort of progress I can make.

Running. That is something I have not been disciplined in. I really do like it, but I find myself filling my time with other things, nothing quite as fulfilling though. I will definitely be making more of an effort to run my 10 miles.

I think my one guilty pleasure this summer has been catching up on all of my t.v. shows. I won't list them all, but let's just say I am excited for the 1st of September! And while I'm on the topic of television, don't expect to talk to me Sunday the 7th. First Colts game. It's going to be a good year! I've also been watching the Olympics, which have been incredible. I'm actually watching them as I type. Men's Gymnastics. Good stuff.

Oh and I'm getting ready to dye/cut/do something with my hair. Any suggestions?

Irvine tomorrow!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Secret Life of an American Teenager

So this is kind of weird and random, but it's something that I need to say.

I just had the most amazing talk with my brother. And that is something that I haven't done in a few years. We laughed, we hung out, we remembered; it was great. I don't know when or if that will happen again.

So if any of you are going to be near Anaheim next Tuesday, come out and see the show! (My brother's show) Chain Reaction, 7 pm :)

EDIT: I vow never to get sunburned again. My face is peeling, my body hurts, AND I have a cold sore. It is all very sad.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sweetly Broken, Wholly Surrendered

Yesterday was definitely a day for the record books. It was the first day that I've been broken in such a long time. It was the first time that I've cried at work. It was the first day where I didn't love my family as much as I should. And it was the first day this summer that I got down on my knees and prayed. All of the difficulties that have been going on in my family for the past 6 months were magnified yesterday. My eyes were opened to everything. I mean, I know everything that has been going on, but it's a completely different experience when you're in the middle of it all. My dad is in bad shape right now. He's taken enough medication to not even know the day or time. He can barely walk, let alone drive! (which he attempted the other day) He's been in bed for almost a week, and we're constantly over here checking on him, making sure he's eating and going to the bathroom. I don't have any animosity towards him. I know he's sick. But its the same sickness I've seen over and over. And I was at a point yesterday when I didn't want to care anymore.
I had to come before God last night and ask for him to give me strength to get through these next few weeks. I prayed for my family, that they would all be broken, like I was. And I had to pray for my sanity, because, trust me, it's hanging on by a thread.

I don't know what God is trying to teach me through all of this, but it's something that I can say without a doubt, that I will remember forever. I'm being stretched in ways I didn't know were possible. It's hard to even look at my parents without being overwhelmed with emotions. And I can only imagine what my mom is feeling right now. She's had to live this everyday. I've only been here for 5 weeks and I want out! It's so difficult to rely on God right now, because I feel like he hasn't been here throughout this whole situation. I just don't know if I can put faith in him when everything is so screwed up right now.

So I guess, if any prayers are being thrown my way, pray for my heart. Pray that I can love my parents. Pray that I can love and trust God. And pray that I don't give up.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


My loving best friend decided to tell me what she really thought of me. Tell me if you think this is an accurate description:

"If i could choose one place in the world to spend the rest of my life, it woudl be hell, cuz i think that is where i woudl have the people the most in common with me. I love anything to do with evil, pain, suffering and horror, and satin my homeboy. For the past few years i have been dabbling around in a few satanic religions and to me wicca has struck a chord in me, and i totally given my life over to the practicing of these rituals. i hope some day to rise to power through the mastering of my religion, and teach the world the true way of suffering."

Monday, July 21, 2008


Irvine :)

I miss it here. Every time I come back to Menifee, I leave a little part of me behind. I miss the weather, the people, the good times, the school, and almost everything else. What I do NOT miss, however, are the parking tickets! The $52 ones. That is something I would definitely like to leave behind when go back home.

Other than that incident, I had a great time. I think I forget how amazing everything is. And it's not because I go out and do these crazy fun things. To an outsider looking in, it might seem like we do nothing here, but that's the beauty of it all; I can have fun sitting on a friends couch watching a movie, or just talking until 2 am, or even going on a grocery shopping extravaganza. It's randomly deciding to go play basketball when it's pitch black outside. It's Laura finding certain things in the trash and deciding to take them :) It's hearing about Kevin's new computer and having no idea what he's talking about, but being slightly impressed because of his 24 inch monitor. It's having Adam's coffee and remembering how much I suck at making coffee. It's all these things that make me wish I was here for the summer. But instead, I am minutes away from leaving, and most likely getting stuck in traffic, to go back to Subway :(

I love Menifee, just the same. And I don't dislike being there. There are some pretty crazy times too. But nothing compares to waking up, making your own breakfast, and deciding what you want to do today, no obligations, no parents, no worries (except for gas)

Well, at least I'll only be away for 2 days. Wednesday=OC Fair. And I hope to see everyone there!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Insomnia : /

When was the last time you talked to your best friend?
Earlier today via aim

Have you ever been grounded? What for?
I don't think so, but it was probably for staying out too late

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cold, you can always put on more, but you can only take off so much

Ever passed out?
Nada one

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?

What were you doing at 12 am?
TV and boredom

What is the last reason you cried?

Where is your cell phone?
On the floor

Who are you texting?
No one

Where did you sleep last night?

Do you secretly like anyone?
Nada one

Have you done anything you regret in 2008 so far?

Did you have a dream last night?
Yeah, but it was so looong ago

Who was the first person you talked to today? Male or female?
Brother. I was his chauffeur

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
There was a time

Where is your father right now?
At a house

Are you a forgiving person?
Why yes

Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
Haha. Yeah.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Meh, there are times

Do you fall for people easily?
NOT desparate. No

What are you doing this weekend?
Heading to Castle Park

How has this past week been for you?
Not too good

What's the most interesting thing that happened to you today?
Lovely lovely phone calls

Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
Not really

Did you date someone longer then 3 months this year?

What can always put you in a good mood?
Music and Friends

Is there anyone you wish you were with right now?
Uuugh. I wish I was sleeping

Do you have any piercings?
For sure

How many kids do you want to have?
Whatever God wants

What color are your eyes?

What are you doing tomorrow?
Castle Park!!

Do you know someone who likes you?
Oh love

Are you easy to get along with?
You know it

Have you ever changed your clothes in a vehicle?
When necessary

Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap?
Grudges only hurt yourself

What time did you go to sleep last night?

Last thing someone said to you that pissed you off?
Too too funny

Do you talk a lot?
Bahaha yes

What was the last movie you watched?
Scary Movie 4. Ashamed to the max

What are you craving right now?

Favorite drink?

Does the person you like know that you like them?

Whats the reason that you and ex broke up?

Last time you talked to your mom?
Before bed

How is your hair?

Last time you had a sleep over? Where and with who?
A week or so ago, with my lover friend

Last time you went to church?
Last week

How is your life?

Listening to?
OTH :)

Do you remember your dreams?

Do you consider yourself a study freak?
I was, then I wasn't

Do you speak another language other than English?
No hablo espanol, pero comprendo mucho

What did you do last night?
Boooorrred and sleep

Orange or apple juice?
Apple ftw

Do you plan on getting married anytime soon?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Lining is Silver

This just made my day :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

So much love

I am officially employed, again, at my least favorite establishment nonetheless. At least it pays. My first night back I was fortunate enough to be able to rid Subway of 2 cockroaches. You're welcome. I also left with the familiar aroma sticking to every part of my body. And to top it all off, I have the pleasure of working 20 hours this week.
I've started working on my summer list. Reading is well under way. I love how in school I can barely read 15 pages without falling asleep. But today, I managed 300 pages. I started skimming over some Java. That is going to be fun. And working is bringing me one step closer to buying a Wii.
The original reason for this post; Grades are up!
2 A's, 1 B and a C. Not too bad. A little further off then what I had anticipated, but a 3.2 is acceptable.
-Kevin, I want to know what you got in Crim!!

I'm starting to "train" for my 15 mile run tonight. I'll keep you updated on how that's going. I'm thinking I might shorten it to 10. We will see how I feel after a week or so.

What did everyone get on grades?????

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today marks my first official day of summer. I am free. No school, no obligations. 4 months of nothing.
Actually, if I'm being more accurate, I have so many things that I need to do and so many that I want to do. I have to pleasure of going to jury duty Monday (yeah) followed by the not so pleasant task of finding a job, or 3. But in between all of the working, traveling, hanging out and catching up, I have complied together a list of things that I want to do before September 25th.

Summer To Do List
Learn how to play the guitar
Type faster
Learn Java
Watch the entire 24 Series
Learn some more sign language
Play basketball better
Brush up on my Spanish
Organize my itunes
Run for 15 miles
Teach my friends how to play Kajabe Can Can (and own them)
Go to the beach at least 3 times
Have a crazy road trip
Finish my movie list
Download download download!!!
Buy a Wii (and get really good at Mario Kart and Brawl)
Read a heck of a lot
Enjoy every minute

Sounds doable!
Let me know what you want to do this summer.

Oh. And Upland, not that exciting. But my brother's band was pretty awesome. And the car ride was enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2:00 am

Finals. Need I say more.

Sorry about the lack of posting. 3 finals down. 1 to go. Thursday night will be spent celebrating the end to my first year of college. (and passing...most of it)
On a much sadder note, UCI lost miserably to LSU yesterday. 7-21. No college world series for us.

And, in case you didn't already know from my persistent announcements of it:


Sunday, June 1, 2008

I am so LOST

I would advise that if you have not seen Lost and someday do wish to watch it to pass over this post.

42 Reasons Why I Hate Lost

1. Because after every episode I always end with the phrase, "I have 37 new questions and no frickin answers"
2. Because Boone died in the first season
3. Because it's on Thursday nights when I have homework
4. Because I am sick and tired of the Kate/Jack/Sawyer love triangle
5. Because Mr. Friendly throws like a girl
6. Because Saiyd has long fingernails and Jerry curls
7. Because Charlie could have escaped through the window
8. Because Kate has fake teeth
9. Because I have no idea who Jacob is
10. Because Locke's name is Jeremy Bentham???
11. Because Michael killed Hurley's girlfriend
12. Because Locke is a douche
13. Because I'm not sure if they're flash forwards or flashbacks anymore
14. Because Jack and Claire are somehow related
15. Because people who should be dead keep coming back to life
16. Because Shannon was extremely annoying
17. Because I wasn't sure if it was "Paulo lies" or "paralyzed"
18. Because the black smoke can kill people
19. Because there is no such thing as a good ending
20. Because I don't know who was in the coffin
21. Because I haven't seen Vincent in a really long time
22. Because when Walt appeared to people, nobody could understand him
23. Because it's so weird how everyone is connected
24. Because Saiyd tortures people
25. Because the entirety of Lost cannot be summarized in 8 minutes and 15 seconds
26. Because Locke can walk
27. Because I'm pretty sure Claire's mom was in the process of dying...
28. Because Jack's dad is dead, or alive, or dead, but most likely alive
29. Because Hurley won the lotto, and it was a bad thing
30. Because everyone seems to be a little crazy
31. Because Ben was able to move the island
32. Because Jin should not have died
33. Because they don't have a special code for, "there's a man in my closet with a gun to my daughters head"
34. Because they have to go back
35. Because Walt aged 5 years over an 18 month time period
36. Because Michael was able to die
37. Because the 12 vortices's makes sense, but there is still no confirmation
38. Because Jack has had the same amount of beard stubble for 5 months
39. Because Desmond gets blown out of the hatch, loses his clothes, and can now see the future
40. Because that one "other" leader hasn't aged in 50 years
41. Because Sun is pregnant and Jin is sterile
42. Because no matter how much I don't want to admit it, I am addicted

*Edit* Feel free to add anything :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I can't believe I've gone this long without a post. What is wrong with me? Well, I am currently working on an amazing post which should be up after Thursday, so look for that. And in case you haven't heard from Kevin, my name has been changed to Jessica Douchey Barcellano. And the best part is that it won't change back. So go have a laugh while you can.

Memorial day weekend. It was definitely something that will be remembered. Friday night consisted of Mario Cart, the most violent game of spoons I've ever played, and the first Indiana Jones, which was pretty amazing. Saturday was equally entertaining. I had to wake up at 7, which I didn't know was physically possible anymore. Then we hiked to the bridge to nowhere. I enjoyed watching everyone fall into the water, and off of the rocks, and down the mountainside. It was a special time. I'm just glad that I got sugar! Then Sunday, again, waking up at an ungodly hour to drive to the middle of nowhere. But it was fun-filled. Crazy game parties are the best. There was an interesting twist on our spoons game, which ended with Ashlee vomiting Tabasco sauce for 10 minutes. And the ever famous line, "Alan wants to get to first base." We talked for hours, which is something I really needed. And I learned about all the crazy happenings in Menifee. I was able to sleep in until 9 on Monday, but then it was straight to the car dealership. After 6 hours of negotiating, my family walked out of there with 3 cars! So now, I have a car. I put the down payment on it. I will be paying for it (as soon as I get a job). And I will be paying for gas, which saddens me at $4.00 a gallon. AND I finally got "it." So needless to say, it was a great Monday.

And now I am back at school, waiting for this year to be over. Paloma graduates this Saturday. But, sadly, I will not be attending. 16 days and then I'm out for summer. I'll be able to go home, drive my new car, hang out, save money, and just relax. A summer post with my summer list is soon to come. I can't help myself, it's a sickness.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sometimes I hang out with myself

Here's an exercise that you can all do.

First, close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths, and with each inhale, imagine every care in the world escaping your body. Imagine yourself in a nice warm bed, peaceful, comfortable, nothing could possibly interrupt you right now.

Now play this video

This sound is what I woke up to this morning.

Needless to say, I am not in a good mood.

Monday, May 5, 2008

10 things

So this is in my aim profile information. Anything I should add/change?

10 things that you should know about me:

1. I do know what a gang is
2. I am addicted to all things music
3. I love the color yellow
4. I love the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
5. I hate bad typing
6. I am a math nerd
7. I like bland foods
8. I can't eat a sandwich normally
9. I have been known to talk excessively
10. I do enjoy athletic things

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why can't adults just be adults?

For my entire life I've been told to act my age, if not act older than I am.

"Don't do that Jessica. That's something your younger brother would do."
"Jessica! You know better than that."
"Stop crying and act your age."

I admit it, I was a brat. And I'm sure I deserved most of those comments for doing something stupid. And I can also attest to the fact that I spent a large portion of my childhood crying.

What I don't understand is how my parents could spend all that time telling me that if I wanted to be treated like an adult, I needed to act like one, and they can't even do the same.

I wonder if I should take their advice and treat them like the age that they're acting. That might cause controversy...

I know they're human and that they make mistakes. I just don't know how much longer I want to put myself in that environment.

Prayers appreciated :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today is an epic day!
Not only is The Office new, but both LOST and Grey's Anatomy are returning tonight! Is there anything that can top that? Why yes, there is. I found my key and now I do not have to pay $25 for a new one. And on top of that, I aced my math quiz today. And the cherry that completes this oh so sweet sundae is the amazing grade I know I got on my psych midterm. I think it's pretty safe to say that I am having an amazing week.

In other, more pressing news, I have to figure out what the heck I'm going to do this summer. I have 2 options, each with its own set of pros and cons. I can either stay here on campus, take 16 units of classes, pay rent,pay for food, pay for parking/gas/other car related expenses, work in Irvine, see UCI friends, and possibly have a crazy road trip. Or I can stay home, live for free, eat for free, work in Menifee, see FEE friends, maybe go to the JC, and possibly have a crazy road trip. Both parents are pushing for the second option, and they are the ones buying me a car....

I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Now it is time for crim reading. And the crim test. Woot.

(And if you say Gay's Anatomy, I will shoot you)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


We got our apartment today. 1039e! Come visit us. It's the perfect distance from everything; it's close to campus, right next to the parking lot, laundry facilities, UPSTAIRS, and just amazing overall. Looking forward to the summer.

I can't believe it's already midterm time. I have a pretty rigorous testing schedule, but nothing I can't manage. I've been majorly studying for psychology. If I can't get an A in the class, then I can't double major, so a little pressure there. And of course I need to do well in my other classes. We will see. I'm so excited to see what the end of the year will bring. I'm really bummed that I'm missing Bill Nye tonight. But hopefully Kevin will take a multitude of pictures. But at least I can watch the office :) Which is the perfect way to end the day.

And a very important side note: Failblog Go check it out!

A picture to leave you with:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Assassin Time!

It's that special time of the year. We started playing assassin. The rules are a little different then I remember. I have to get my target to say a word. There's a slight problem though. I've never said a single word to this girl. What to do? I think my course of action is to wait it out until next week when the task is slightly easier to accomplish, like maybe a sock? Or a nerf gun. That would be pretty awesome. I just hope that I don't get killed.

So if I'm not talking to anyone in my dorm besides Laura, Jin, and possibly Annie, don't feel offended. I just don't want to die!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Do you know what a gang is?

My plans for this weekend include watching Gangs of New York,

Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:22 AM):
i cant be your friend if u dont watch it
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:23 AM): soon
jesssikkkka (12:57:42 AM): you won't be my friend?
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:45 AM): nope
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:57:54 AM): friendship terminated
jesssikkkka (12:58:04 AM): adam
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:04 AM): if u dont watch it by the next time i see you
jesssikkkka (12:58:08 AM): I
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:09 AM): u have to
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:14 AM): watch it before the patriot
jesssikkkka (12:58:16 AM): but it's soooo looong
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:26 AM): im going to pretend u didnt say that
jesssikkkka (12:58:34 AM): really
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:39 AM): m hmm
jesssikkkka (12:58:42 AM): cause I said it just for you
jesssikkkka (12:58:53 AM): cause I don't think you filled your that's what she said quota today
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:58:57 AM): lol
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:00 AM): but seriously
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:01 AM): watch it
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:03 AM): this weekend
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:08 AM): u can divide it into 2
jesssikkkka (12:59:20 AM): urgh
jesssikkkka (12:59:21 AM): ok
jesssikkkka (12:59:24 AM): I will watch it
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:30 AM): its just the best
Br8KnGtHeHaBiT (12:59:31 AM): i think
jesssikkkka (12:59:35 AM): even though I don't know what a gang is

Among other things I am going to an animal expo,
beating water temple, completing piles of homework, and doing something to fill the rest of my time alone this weekend. Zelda time...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Whoever invented steam SUCKS!

Has it been a week already?

Well, it's prediction time. What are my expectations for this 10 week quarter?

Math 3A - Doesn't seem too bad. The teacher's really nice, and seems fairly confident in her math abilities. And she speaks perfect English! This is my earliest class....enough said.

Math 3D - It's pretty straightforward material. Differential equations. And my teacher has the funniest accent. It's like a mix between Chinese and British. We will see.

Crim C7 - One word. FILIBUSTER. Man can that teacher go on and on and on. "We will have an election when we have an election." But I have the class with Kevin and Adam, so chances are, I will be able to stay awake for most of the time. Especially with Adam pressing my caps-lock and other various button combinations.

Psych 11B - It's been ok. It's a little drawn out. And pretty repetitive, but Hallie and Adam keep me entertained. But the Zaps.....

My goal this quarter is to get all A's. So we will see. I've been really good about homework. Adam gives me 2 weeks.

Now on to Zelda. Oh man. Oh man. It has been pretty intense the past few days. And I'm bummed I can't play this weekend. But Monday I'm going to start FOREST TEMPLE! I'm doing a lot better than I had expected. Especially when I have Kevin, Adam and Jin yelling in my ears. And after 7 attempts, I was finally able to beat the Octorok in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. That was a mother. And a real crowd pleaser for the people watching/coaching me. I don't see the difference in using a walkthrough and using my friends as guides. It seems the same. But, I've done a lot of the work myself, so yeah. More news to come on that.

Now I'm just about to head of to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow. John has to be at school by 6 am. Then James has to be in Murrieta by 7 am. Then I need to pick him up sometime after that, take care of a dog and be sure to grab John sometime around 2 am the next morning. Yeah? No.

(And I could have been up at SLO this weekend, OR watching the UCI/CSUF games)


Friday, March 28, 2008

This is a place of miniature business...

It is not a playground.
Even though it looks like a playground.

Frick yes!
Grades just came in, and by the grace of God, I passed :)
I still don't understand the college grading system, but I'll take it. Here it is:

Class - Grade on the final, overall grade

Math 2D - B+, A-
Math 2J - D+, B
Psych 11C - D, B-
Writing 39B - none, B
Cal Teach - none, A

How anyone can fail the midterm, get a D on the final, and still manage to get a B in the class is beyond me. Needless to say, I am pretty satisfied with Winter 08.

School starts on Monday, which means Spring break is almost over. But it was a great break. We went to the beach, dancing (and got pulled over by the cops), movies, bonfire on Saturday, and some sort of hangout/goodbye thing on Sunday. And I am in the process of acquiring a car. Pretty exciting stuff!

I'm sure there will be more things to tell of after this weekend. Until then...